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Psalms 119:73-80
[Psa 119:73] Thou, Who Didst Make And Fashion Me
Thou, who didst make and fashion me, O make me wise Thy law to learn; Then they that fear Thee shall be glad When they my hope in God discern. Thou, Lord, art just in all Thy ways, And faithful when Thou chastenest me; I pray Thee, let Thy promised grace Thy servant’s help and comfort be. Show mercy, Lord, that I may live, For in Thy law is all my joy; While those who wrong me are rebuked, Thy precepts shall my thought employ. Let those that fear Thee turn to me, Thy truth to them will I proclaim; Instruct my heart to keep Thy law, That I may not be put to shame. |
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source: Cyberhymnal |