Psalms 12:6
Context12:6 The Lord’s words are absolutely reliable. 1
They are as untainted as silver purified in a furnace on the ground,
where it is thoroughly refined. 2
Psalms 19:8-10
Context19:8 The Lord’s precepts are fair 3
and make one joyful. 4
The Lord’s commands 5 are pure 6
and give insight for life. 7
19:9 The commands to fear the Lord are right 8
and endure forever. 9
The judgments given by the Lord are trustworthy
and absolutely just. 10
19:10 They are of greater value 11 than gold,
than even a great amount of pure gold;
they bring greater delight 12 than honey,
than even the sweetest honey from a honeycomb.
Psalms 119:140
Context119:140 Your word is absolutely pure,
and your servant loves it!
Proverbs 30:5

[12:6] 1 tn Heb “the words of the
[12:6] 2 tn Heb “[like] silver purified in a furnace of [i.e., “on”] the ground, refined seven times.” The singular participle מְזֻקָּק (mÿzuqqaq, “refined”) modifies “silver.” The number seven is used rhetorically to express the thorough nature of the action. For other rhetorical/figurative uses of שִׁבְעָתָיִם (shiv’atayim, “seven times”), see Gen 4:15, 24; Ps 79:12; Prov 6:31; Isa 30:26.
[19:8] 3 tn Or “just.” Perhaps the idea is that they impart a knowledge of what is just and right.
[19:8] 4 tn Heb “[they] make happy [the] heart.” Perhaps the point is that they bring a sense of joyful satisfaction to the one who knows and keeps them, for those who obey God’s law are richly rewarded. See v. 11b.
[19:8] 5 tn Heb “command.” The singular here refers to the law as a whole.
[19:8] 6 tn Because they reflect God’s character, his commands provide a code of moral and ethical purity.
[19:8] 7 tn Heb [they] enlighten [the] eyes.
[19:9] 5 tn Heb “the fear of the
[19:9] 6 tn Heb “[it] stands permanently.”
[19:9] 7 sn Trustworthy and absolutely just. The Lord’s commands accurately reflect God’s moral will for his people and are an expression of his just character.
[19:10] 7 tn Heb “more desirable.”
[19:10] 8 tn Heb “are sweeter.” God’s law is “sweet’ in the sense that, when obeyed, it brings a great reward (see v. 11b).
[30:5] 9 sn The text here uses an implied comparison (a figure of speech known as hypocatastasis): It compares the perfection of every word from God with some precious metal that has been refined and purified (e.g., Ps 12:6). The point is that God’s word is trustworthy; it has no defects and flaws, nothing false or misleading. The second half of the verse explains the significance of this point – it is safe to trust the
[30:5] 10 tn The comparative “like” does not appear in the Hebrew text, but is implied by the metaphor; it is supplied in the translation for the sake of clarity.
[30:5] 11 sn The line uses two more figures of speech to declare that God can be trusted for security and salvation. “Shield” is a simple metaphor – God protects. “Take refuge” is another implied comparison (hypocatastasis) – God provides spiritual rest and security for those who put their trust in him.