Psalms 136:1-9
This Psalm is little else than a repetition of the preceding, with the addition of the burden, "for his mercy endureth for ever," at the end of each verse; and it was doubtless composed on the same occasion. It seems evidently to have been a responsive song; the first part of the verse being probably sung by the Levites, and the burden by the people.
Give thanks <03034> [Give thanks.]
loyal love <02617> [for his mercy.]
God ... gods <0430> [the God.]
Lord ... lords <0113> [the Lord.]
performs <06213> [who alone.]
In the contrivance of the celestial bodies--in their specific gravities, relations, connections, influences on each other, revolutions, etc.; and in the wonderful adaptation of the atmosphere for the purposes of refracting the light, forming rain, dew, snow, etc., are exhibited the most astonishing displays of the Divine wisdom.
sun <08121> [The sun.]
rule <04475> [to rule. Heb. for the rulings.]
moon ... stars <03394 03556> [The moon and stars.]
The sun is the monarch of day, the state of light; the moon of the night, the state of darkness. The rays of the sun falling on the atmosphere, are refracted and diffused over the whole of the hemisphere of the earth immediately under his orb; while those rays of that vast luminary which, because of the earth's smallness in comparison with the sun, are diffused on all sides beyond the earth, falling on the opaque disc of the moon, are reflected back on the lower hemisphere, or the part of the earth opposite the sun. But the reflected light being 50,000 times less in intensity than that of the sun, there is a sufficient distinction between day and night, though each is ruled and determined by one of these two great lights.