Psalms 146:1--150:6
Psalms 146: The Lord's Care for the Oppressed (Psalms 146)
Psalms 147: Extol the Lord, O Jerusalem (Psalms 147)
Psalms 148: Praise the Lord from the Heavens! (Psalms 148)
Psalms 149: Praise in the Mouth - Sword in the Hand (Psalms 149)
Psalms 150: Hallelujah! (Psalms 150)
Psalm 147
Lord brings the wicked even down to the ground, The
Who sends forth his speech to the earth
Psalm 148
Tree of life, The
God in Majesty
Universal song, The
(PAPE, W.)

(5 Pictures)
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
Psalms 148
Psalm 150
St. Cecilia with a Choir
Healing celebration
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord

(6 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Psalms 150