Kidung Jemaat
Psalms 17:8
Pujilah Tuhan, Sang Raja [KJ.10]
1. Pujilah Tuhan, Sang Raja yang Mahamulia!
Segenap hati dan jiwaku, pujilah Dia!
Datang berkaum, brilah musikmu bergaung,
Angkatlah puji - pujian !
Mzm 103:1-2
1 Tim 1:17
2. Pujilah Tuhan; segala kuasa padaNya!
Sayap kasihNya yang aman mendukung AnakNya!
Tiada ter'pri yang kepadamu dib'ri;
Tidakkah itu kaurasa?
Kel 19:4
Ul 32:11-12
3. Pujilah Tuhan yang bijak menggubah tubuhmu;
dalam kasihNya seluruh hidupmu tertuntun;
hatimu tahu: berulang kali engkau
oleh sayapNya terlindung.
Mzm 139:13-15
Mzm 17:8
Mzm 36:8
Mzm 57:2
4. Pujilah Tuhan yang dapat dan mau melakukan
jauh melebihi doamu dan yang kau rindukan.
Ingat teguh: Ia berkuasa penuh!
KasihNya t'rus kautemukan.
Ef 3:20
5. Pujilah Tuhan! Hai jiwaku, mari bernyanyi!
Semua mahluk bernafas, iringilah kami!
Puji terus Nama Yang Maha Kudus!
Padukan suaramu: Amin.Mzm 150
Play Tuhan Allah Beserta Engkau [KJ.346]
1. Tuhan Allah beserta engkau sampai bertemu kembali; kasih
Kristus mengawali, Tuhan Allah beserta engkau!
Ul 31:6, 8
Yos 1:5, 9
Ibr 13:5
2. Sampai bertemu, bertemu, sampai lagi kita bertemu; sampai
bertemu, bertemu, Tuhan Allah beserta engkau!
3. Tuhan Allah beserta engkau, sayapNya pernaunganmu,
sabda Kristus santapanmu, Tuhan Allah beserta engkau!
Mzm 17:8
Mzm 57:2
Mzm 61:5
Mzm 91:4
4. Sampai bertemu, bertemu, sampai lagi kita bertemu; sampai
bertemu, bertemu, Tuhan Allah beserta engkau!
5. Tuhan Allah beserta engkau dalam susah dan keluhmu;
rangkulanNya menghiburmu, Tuhan Allah beserta engkau!
6. Sampai bertemu, bertemu, sampai lagi kita bertemu; sampai
bertemu, bertemu, Tuhan Allah beserta engkau!
7. Tuhan Allah beserta engkau! Panji kasih peganganmu,
maut pun kalah di depanmu, Tuhan Allah beserta engkau!
Rm 16:20
8. Sampai bertemu, bertemu, sampai lagi kita bertemu; sampai
bertemu, bertemu, Tuhan Allah beserta engkau!Play
Psalms 97:10
Agungkan Allahmu [KJ.72] ( The God of Abraham Praise / Yigdol )
1. Agungkan Allahmu, junjungan Abraham,
Yang takhta rahmatNya teguh, Sang Raja Am!
Yang Ada, Yang Esa, dipuji,
disembah di sorga dan di dunia selamanya!
Mzm 95-99
1 Tim 6:15-16
Mzm 69:35
Mzm 148
2. Agungkan Allahmu, Junjungan Abraham
dan sumber sukacitaku, tempat tent'ram.
Kutolak dunia dan harkat yang semu;
Allahku harta yang baka, Perisaiku!
Mzm 16:5, 11
Mzm 73:26
3. Terjamin janjiNya dan itu kupegang:
di sayap rajawalilah 'ku masuk t'rang.
K'lak tampak wajahNya, Kupuji kuasaNya
dan menyanyikan rahmatNya selamanya.
Yes 40:31
4. Di negeri baka bertakhta Pemenang
Sang Raja Damai Dialah dan Raja T'rang
Kekal kuasaNya di Sion yang cerlang
Bersama orang suciNya yang t'lah menang
Yl 3:17
Mi 4:7
Ibr 12:22-23
5. Yang sudah ditebus memuji Tuhannya,
"Sang Bapa, Putra, Roh Kudus terpujilah!"
Ya Allah Abraham, Kau juga Allahku;
'ku sujud dan penuh iman memujimu.Mat 3:9
Gal 3:8, 14, 29
Play Muliakan Allah yang Esa [KJ.45]
1. Muliakanlah Allah Yang Esa di sorga maha tinggi,
sebab kekal selamanya selamat kita ini;
yang berkenan kepadaNya beroleh damai yang baka,
dendam pun tiada lagi.
Luk 2:14
1 Tim 1:17
2. Pujian, hormat dan sembah terimalah, ya Bapa.
Engkaulah Raja semesta kekal segala abad.
KuasaMu tiada bandingnya di sorga dan di dunia;
Engkaulah Allah kami!
Why 4:11
Mzm 95-99
3. Ya Yesus Kristus, Penebus, ya Putra Tunggal Allah,
dengan darahMu yang kudus Kauhapus aib dan salah;
ya Anakdomba mulia, seruan doa t'rimalah dan kasihani kami!
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
Why 5:9, 11
4. Ya roh Kudus berkurnia, Penghibur yang terkarib,
kawananMu kuatkanlah di dalam Yang Tersalib,
supaya kami pun teguh terhadap goda dan keluh;
diami hati kami!Yoh 14:26
Rm 15:13
1 Kor 2:4-6
Psalms 116:6
'Ku Mengasihi Yesus, Tuhanku [KJ.305]
1. 'Ku mengasihi Yesus, Tuhanku, Penghibur kalau hatiku
gelisah, Yang melepaskan orang dari susah. Wahai jiwaku,
puji Tuhanmu!Mzm 116:1-6
Yoh 21:15-17
Ef 6:24
2 Tim 4:18
2. 'Ku mengasihi Yesus, Penebus: olehNya taurat tak mengutuk lagi;
lunaslah sudah utang yang ditagih; dosa dihapus darah Yang Kudus.
Rm 5:16-19
Gal 3:13
1 Kor 7:23
Kol 1:20
3. 'Ku mengasihi Yesus s'lamanya: Sabda dan RohNya menyucikan daku;
aib dosaku sudah Ia basuh; 'ku dibarui turut citraNya.
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
4. 'Ku mengasihi Yesus, Sobatku: ketika aku, bagai kanak-kanak
jalan tertatih waktu mau melangkah, 'ku dipegang tanganNya yang teguh.
Mzm 73:23
Hos 11:3
5. 'Ku mengasihi Yesus tak henti: rela kupikul salib dan bebanNya
dan kulakukan titah dan pesanNya; jangan olehku Tuhanku sedih.
Mat 11:28-30
Mrk 8:34
6. 'Ku mengasihi Yesus yang teguh memimpin daku sampai aku mati;
di saat itu dosa tiada lagi dan 'ku lega memuji Tuhanku.
Rm 6:7
7. Yang kukasihi, HariNya dekat. Nanti kulihat kemuliaan Tuhan
dan di terangNya Dia kuagungkan. Pujilah Tuhan, segenap jemaat.Rm 13:12
1 Yoh 3:2
Why 22:4
Play Ajaib Benar Anugerah [KJ.40] ( Amazing Grace )
1. Ajaib benar anugerah pembaru hidupku!
'Ku hilang, buta, bercela; olehnya 'ku sembuh.
Ef 2:4-9
Mat 11:5
Yoh 9:25
Why 3:17
2. Ketika insaf, 'ku cemas, sekarang 'ku lega!
Syukur, bebanku t'lah lepas berkat anugerah!
Yoh 16:8
Mat 11:28
3. Di jurang yang penuh jerat terancam jiwaku;
anug'rah kupegang erat dan aman pulangku.
Mzm 23:4
Mzm 116:3-9
4. Kudapat janji yang teguh, kuharap sabdaNya
dan Tuhanlah perisaiku tetap selamanya.
Rm 4:20-21
Ibr 6:11-12
Ibr 10:22-23
5. Kendati nanti ragaku terkubur dan lenyap,
padanya aku berteduh bahagia tetap.
Mzm 73:26
6. Meski selaksa tahun lenyap di sorga mulia,
rasanya baru sekejap memuji namaNya!Play
Psalms 17:8
[Psa 17:8] All Praise To Him Who Dwells In Bliss
All praise to Him Who dwells in bliss,
Who made both day and night;
Whose throne is darkness, in th’abyss
Of uncreated light.Each thought and deed His piercing eyes
With strictest search survey;
The deepest shades no more disguise
Than the full blaze of day.Whom Thou dost guard, O King of kings,
No evil shall molest;
Under the shadow of Thy wings,
Shall they securely rest.Thy angels shall around their beds
Their constant stations keep;
Thy faith and truth shall shield their heads,
For Thou dost never sleep.May we, with calm and sweet repose,
And heavenly thoughts refreshed,
Our eyelids with the morn’s unclose,
And bless the Ever-blessed.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 17:8] All Praise To Thee, My God, This Night
All praise to Thee, my God, this night,
For all the blessings of the light!
Keep me, O keep me, King of kings,
Beneath Thine own almighty wings.Forgive me, Lord, for Thy dear Son,
The ill that I this day have done,
That with the world, myself, and Thee,
I, ere I sleep, at peace may be.Teach me to live, that I may dread
The grave as little as my bed.
Teach me to die, that so I may
Rise glorious at the judgment day.O may my soul on Thee repose,
And with sweet sleep mine eyelids close,
Sleep that may me more vigorous make
To serve my God when I awake.When in the night I sleepless lie,
My soul with heavenly thoughts supply;
Let no ill dreams disturb my rest,
No powers of darkness me molest.O when shall I, in endless day,
For ever chase dark sleep away,
And hymns divine with angels sing,
All praise to thee, eternal King?Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 17:8] Day Is Slowly Wending, The
The day is slowly wending
Toward its silent ending,
But mid the light declining
The evening star is shining:Refrain
O Father, while we sleep,
Thy children keep!Beneath Thy mighty caring
The birds and beasts are sharing,
The love that sends the showers,
The hand that gives the flowers:Refrain
Though long our day of testing,
Now comes the hour of resting,
May weariness and sadness
Be lulled to peace and gladness:Refrain
The Savior’s cross is winning
Forgiveness for the sinning,
And while we kneel confessing,
We humbly wait Thy blessing:Refrain
All evil thoughts expelling,
Now make in us Thy dwelling,
O Spirit, pure and holy,
Possess these hearts so lowly:Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 17:8] He Will Hide Me
When the storms of life are raging,
Tempests wild on sea and land,
I will seek a place of refuge,
In the shadow of God’s hand.Refrain
He will hide me, He will hide me,
Where no harm can e’er betide me;
He will hide me, safely hide me,
In the shadow of His hand.Tho’ He may send some affliction,
’Twill but make me long for home;
For in love and not in anger,
All His chastenings will come.Refrain
Enemies may strive to injure,
Satan all his arts employ;
He will turn what seems to harm me
Into everlasting joy.Refrain
So, while here the cross I’m bearing,
Meeting storms and billows wild,
Jesus for my soul is caring,
Naught can harm His Father’s child.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 17:8] In His Keeping
When the early morning breaking,
Slumber from my eyelids shaking,
Comes the blessèd tho’t with waking,
I am in His keeping.
Day advances, labor bringing,
Care, her mantle ’round me flinging,
Yet midst all my soul keeps singing,
I am in His care.Refrain
I am in my Father’s keeping,
I am in His tender care;
Whether waking, whether sleeping,
I am in His care.Sometimes dark clouds hang o’er me,
Not one step I see before me,
Still, my Savior, I adore Thee,
I am in His keeping.
I can trust His hand to guide me,
’Neath His wings He’ll safely hide me,
And no harm can e’er betide me,
I am in His care.Refrain
Gentle eventide is nearing,
Light from heaven disappearing,
Still the blessèd tho’t so cheering,
I am in His keeping.
Now night’s curtains gather ’round me,
Yet its dangers have not found me,
For His angel guards surround me,
I am in His care.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 17:8] Keep Me Wholly Thine
Now to the Fountain of Life I am going,
Jesus, I pray Thee, make me Thine.Refrain
Wholly thine, wholly Thine,
Seal and keep me Thine;
Wholly thine, wholly Thine,
Keep me wholly Thine.All I surrender to Thee, O my Savior,
All to Thy sov’reign will divine.Refrain
O what a fullness of love He has granted,
O what a rapture, Lord, is mine.Refrain
Now I am trusting the words of Thy promise,
Thou hast redeemed me, I am ThineRefrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 17:8] Keep Thou Me
Jesus, Savior, oh, how trustfully
I lean on Thee where’er I go;
In Thy mercy Thou wilt shelter me,
From storms that beat, and winds that blow.Refrain
Trusting, I am trusting,
Trusting, I am trusting;
Trusting, trusting, Lord, in Thee;
Ever keep Thou me.Jesus, Savior, oh, how tenderly
Within my heart Thy words I hear;
Thro’ Thy Spirit sweetly telling me,
That I am safe, for Thou art near.Refrain
Jesus, Savior, oh, how joyfully
I give my all to Thy control;
Clouds may gather, yet how peacefully,
The sun shines brightly in my soul.Refrain
Jesus, Savior, Thou hast promised me
That o’er life’s billows, wild and dark,
Safely, surely Thou wilt anchor me,
And homeward bring my wave-tossed bark.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 17:8] Love Song, A
In holiness brilliant, in righteousness bright,
Yet sweet in compassion with touch soft and light,
My Father in ravishing love now draws nigh,
To cherish my soul as the gem of His eye.His covenant promise, His mighty right arm,
Embrace me securely and keep me from harm.
His faithful, longsuffering, infinite grace
Will bring me home safe, where He’ll show me His face.Till then, my days pass in the palm of His hand;
His Word whispers comfort in every command.
His Promise sustains me; my triumph is won:
My mansion is bought with the blood of His Son.The work of His Spirit goes on in my heart,
Restoring His image within by His art,
His workmanship Godlike, His skill so divine,
His voice speaks within me: “Be still, and be Mine.”Though dark be the valley, though steep be the hill,
My comfort, my refuge, is my Father’s will!
His sweet, soft compassion will fit me aright
For holiness brilliant and righteousness bright.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 17:8] Sun Declines, The
The sun declines; o’er land and sea
Creeps on the night;
The twinkling stars come one by one
To shed their light;
With Thee there is no darkness, Lord;
With us abide,
And ’neath Thy wings we rest secure
This eventide.Forgive the wrong this day we’ve done,
Or thought, or said;
Each moment with its good or ill
To Thee has fled;
O Father, in Thy mercy great
Will we confide;
Thy benediction now bestow
This eventide.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 17:8] There Is A Safe And Secret Place
There is a safe and secret place,
Beneath the wings divine,
Reserved for all the heirs of grace;
O be that refuge mine!The least and feeblest there may bide,
Uninjured and unawed;
While thousands fall on every side,
He rests secure in God.He feeds in pastures, large and fair,
Of love and truth divine,
O child of God, O glory’s heir,
How rich a lot is thine!A hand almighty to defend,
An ear for every call,
An honored life, a peaceful end,
And Heaven to crown it all!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 17:8] Thou Tender, Gracious Father
Thou tender, gracious Father,
Who watches over me,
How shall I ever praise Thee,
How love and honor Thee?
Thou guidest me with caution
From every secret snare,
And ’neath Thy wings a refuge
I find in my despair.With raiment, food and shelter,
Whate’er my needs imply,
For soul and body ever,
Do Thou in grace supply.
O Lord, I soon would perish
If aught Thou should exclude;
O could I love Thee better
And prove my gratitude.In childlike, true obedience
Help me to do the right;
May precious be Thy statutes,
Thy yoke be pleasant light!
And when some hardship threatens,
A danger frightens me,
May Thou in all my trials
My present helper be.Thy heart is all compassion,
With love it overflows;
Whate’er of ill betide me,
Thou knowest, and my woes.
Thou dost not sleep nor slumber,
By night nor thru the days;
Thine arms, almighty Father,
Enfold all time and space.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 17:8] Under His Wings
Under His wings I am safely abiding,
Though the night deepens and tempests are wild,
Still I can trust Him; I know He will keep me,
He has redeemed me, and I am His child.Refrain
Under His wings, under His wings,
Who from His love can sever?
Under His wings my soul shall abide,
Safely abide forever.Under His wings, what a refuge in sorrow!
How the heart yearningly turns to His rest!
Often when earth has no balm for my healing,
There I find comfort, and there I am blessed.Refrain
Under His wings, oh, what precious enjoyment!
There will I hide till life’s trials are o’er;
Sheltered, protected, no evil can harm me,
Resting in Jesus, I’m safe evermore.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 31:23
[Psa 31:23] Because I Love Jesus
My path may be lonely, and dark be the night,
The clouds may be hiding the sun from my sight,
Yet I have assurance that all will be right,
Because I love Jesus.Refrain
Because I love Jesus, Jesus
Because I love Jesus;
My soul is at rest, and in Him I am blest;
Because I love Jesus.Because I love Jesus, my Savior and thine,
There’s peace in my soul, there is comfort divine;
’Twill always abide, for the promise is mine,
Because I love Jesus.Refrain
Though loved ones be taken away from my side,
Though riches and honor to me be denied,
Yet if I but trust Him no ill can betide,
Because I love Jesus.Refrain
Though all that is evil against me combine,
Though Satan around me his snares should entwine,
Yet if I am faithful a crown will be mine,
Because I love Jesus.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 31:23] O God, Thou Faithful God
O God, Thou faithful God,
Thou fountain ever flowing,
Without whom nothing is,
All perfect gifts bestowing,
Grant me a healthy frame,
And give me, Lord, within,
A conscience free from blame,
A soul unhurt by gain.And grant me, Lord, to do,
With ready heart and willing,
Whate’er Thou shalt command,
My calling here fulfilling;
And do it when I ought,
With zeal and joyfulness,
And bless the work I’ve wrought,
For Thou must give success.Oh, let me never speak
What bounds of truth exceedeth;
Grant that no idle word
From out my mouth proceedeth;
And then, when in my place
I must and ought to speak,
My words grant power and grace
Lest I offend the weak.If dangers gather round,
Still keep me calm and fearless;
Help me to bear the cross
When life is dark and cheerless,
To overcome my foe
With words and actions kind;
When counsel I would know,
Good counsel let me find.And let me with all men,
As far as in me lieth,
In peace and friendship live,
And if Thy gift supplieth
Great wealth and honor fair,
Then this refuse me not,
That naught be mingled there
Of goods unjustly got.If Thou a longer life
Hast here on earth decreed me;
If Thou through many ills
To age at length wilt lead me,
Thy patience on me shed.
Avert all sin and shame
And crown my hoary head
With honor free from blame.Let me depart this life
Confiding in my Savior;
Do Thou my soul receive
That it may live forever;
And let my body have
A quiet resting place
Within a Christian grave;
And let it sleep in peace.And on that solemn day
When all the dead are waking,
Stretch o’er my grave Thy hand,
Thyself my slumbers breaking.
Then let me hear Thy voice,
Change Thou this earthly frame,
And bid me aye rejoice
With those who love Thy Name.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 116:6
[Psa 116:6] Saved, Saved
I’ve found a Friend, who is all to me,
His love is ever true;
I love to tell how He lifted me
And what His grace can do for you.Refrain
Saved by His power divine,
Saved to new life sublime!
Life now is sweet and my joy is complete,
For I’m saved, saved, saved!He saves me from every sin and harm,
Secures my soul each day;
I’m leaning strong on His mighty arm;
I know He’ll guide me all the way.Refrain
When poor and needy and all alone,
In love He said to me,
“Come unto Me and I’ll lead you home,
To live with Me eternally.”Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal