Kidung Jemaat
Luke 2:37
Hai Malaikat dari Sorga [KJ.97]
1. Hai malaikat dari sorga, sayapmu bentangkanlah;
nyanyi di seluruh dunia: lahir Kristus, Rajanya!
Sudah lahir Kristus Raja, mari sujud menyembah!
Luk 2:8-14
2. Hai gembala yang menjaga dombamu di efrata,
Allah beserta manusia; mari menyaksikannya!
Sudah lahir Kristus Raja, mari sujud menyembah!
3. Hai Majusi dari Timur, karyamu tinggalkanlah;
carilah Harapan Dunia, ikut sinar bintangNya!
Sudah lahir Kristus Raja, mari sujud menyembah!
Mat 2:1-11
4. Hai kaum saleh yang menunggu dalam dunia yang resah,
lihat, Allahmu sendiri turun dalam PutraNya!
Sudah lahir Kristus Raja, mari sujud menyembah!
Luk 2:25-38
5. Langit, bumi, mari ikut muliakanlah terus
Khalik, Penebus, Pembaru: Bapa, Putra, Roh Kudus!
Sudah lahir Kristus Raja, mari sujud menyembah!Play
Luke 3:10
Dalam Dana Penuh Kerusuhan [KJ.260]
1. Dalam dunia penuh kerusuhan, ditengah kemelut permusuhan
datanglah KerajaanMu; di Gereja yang harus bersatu, agar nyata
manusia baru, datanglah KerajaanMu!
Yoh 17:21-23
Ef 4:24
Kol 3:10-11
2. Datanglah, datanglah, datanglah KerajaanMu!
3. Memerangi gelap kemiskinan, menyinarkan terang keadilan
datanglah KerajaanMu; di lautan, di gunung, di ladang
dan di badai, di pasar, di jalan datanglah KerajaanMu!
Luk 3:10-14
4. Datanglah, datanglah, datanglah KerajaanMu!
5. Dalam hati dan mulut dan tangan dengan kasih, dengan
kebenaran datanglah KerajaanMu; kar'na Kaulah empunya semua,
demi Kristus umatMu berdoa: datanglah KerajaanMu!
Mat 5:3-10
Mat 6:13
6. Datanglah, datanglah, datanglah KerajaanMu! Play
Luke 3:2
Jurang di Hati Lekas Timbuni [KJ.142]
1. Jurang di hati lekas timbuni, gunung dosamu ratapkanlah!
Siapkanlah jalan di gurun sunyi: Allahmu datang segera!
Luk 3:1-6
2. Suara Yohanes pun berkumandang: "Orang berdosa bertobatlah!
Kamu kubaptis di dalam Yordan, dosamu diampunilah!"
Luk 3:3
3. Ingatlah, Yesus telah berfirman: "Air dan Rohlah yang kau perlu,
agar kembali kau dilahirkan dan Allah menerimamu!"
Luk 3:16
Yoh 3:5-7
4. Siap di tangan melati putih, suling dan tifa bunyikanlah!
Dalam pelataran orang suci sambutlah Raja mulia!Play
Luke 1:3
Siapakah Yang Menerima [KJ.124]
1. Siapakah yang menerima kabar mulia sorgawi?
Bukan para ahli Kitab, bukan pula para nabi,
Bukan raja Yerusalem, bukan kaisar dari Roma:
Hanyalah gembala di Betlehem.
Mat 2:3-4
, Luk 1:1-20
2. Apakah berita baru yang disiarkan malaikat?
Bukan kabar peperangan, bukan pengumuman iklan,
Bukan mengenai wabah, bukanlah bencana alam:
Raja damai lahir di Betlehem.
Yes 9:5
3. Dan di manakah tempatnya Anak Raja dilahirkan?
Bukan di rumah sakit, diawasi bidan ahli,
Bukanlah tempat yang mewah, rumah orang pangkat tinggi,
Tapi kandang domba di betlehem.
4. Lalu, siapakah di sana menunggui Bayi Yesus?
Bapak Yusuf, 'bu Maria yang merawat dan menjaga,
Biri-biri ikut juga dan gembala sederhana.
Bayi tidur aman di Betlehem.Play
Isaiah 62:6
[Isa 62:6] Let Zion’s Watchmen All Awake
Let Zion’s watchmen all awake
And take th’alarm they give;
Now let them, from the mouth of God
Their awful charge receive.’Tis not a cause of small import
The pastor’s care demands;
But what might fill an angel’s heart
And filled a Savior’s hands.They watch for souls for which the Lord
Did heav’nly bliss forego;
Those that have tasted His rich grace,
And seek His will to know.All to the great tribunal haste
Th’account to render there;
And shouldst Thou strictly mark our faults
Lord, where should we appear?May that same Jesus, whom they preach,
Their own Redeemer be;
And watch Thou daily o’er their souls,
That they may watch for Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 62:6] Round The Sacred City Gather
Round the Sacred City gather
Egypt, Edom, Babylon;
All the warring hosts of error,
Sworn against her, move as one:
Vain the leaguer! her foundations
Are upon the holy hills,
And the love of the Eternal
All her stately temple fills.Get thee, watchman, to the rampart!
Gird thee, warrior, with thy sword!
Be ye strong as ye remember
That amidst you is the Lord:
Like the night mists from the valley,
These shall vanish one by one,
Egypt’s malice, Edom’s envy,
And the hate of Babylon.But be true, ye sons and daughters,
Lest the peril be within:
Watch to prayer, lest, while ye slumber,
Stealthy foemen enter in:
Safe the mother and the children,
In their will and love be strong,
While their loyal hearts go singing
Prayer and praise for battle song.Church of God! if we forget thee
Let His blessings fail our hand,
When our love shall not prefer thee
Let His love forget our land—
Nay! to thee shall we be steadfast,
Though the world’s foundations shake,
Love of thee is love for ever,
Love of thee for Jesus’ sake.Church of Christ! upon thy banner,
Lo, His passion’s awful sign;
By that seal of His redemption
Thou art His, and He is thine:
From the depth of His atonement
Flows thy sacramental tide:
From the height of His ascension
Flows the grace which is thy guide.God the Spirit dwells within thee,
His society divine,
His the living Word thou keepest,
His thy apostolic line.
Ancient prayer and song liturgic,
Creeds that change not to the end,
As His gift we have received them,
As His charge we will defend.Alleluia, alleluia,
To the Father, Spirit, Son,
In Whose will the Church at warfare
With the Church at rest is one;
So to Thee we sing in union,
God in earth and Heav’n adored,
Alleluia, alleluia,
Holy, holy, holy Lord.Play source: Cyberhymnal