Psalms 27:6
Psalms 27: The Lord Is My Light and My Salvation (Psalms 27)
Psalm 27
David pointing to his eye
David points to his eyes
David points to his eyes

Psalms 110:7
Psalms 110: The Priest-King (Psalms 110)
Christ enthroned
Psalm 110
David enthroned
At God's right hand

(27 Pictures)
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
Psalms 110
Genesis 40:13
The Dreams of the Cupbearer and the Baker (Genesis 40)
Joseph in prison interprets the dreams of the butler and the baker
Joseph explains the baker's dream
Joseph interprets the butler's and the baker's dreams in a prison
Joseph interprets the dreams of two fellow inmates

Genesis 40:2
The Dreams of the Cupbearer and the Baker (Genesis 40)
Joseph in prison interprets the dreams of the butler and the baker
Joseph explains the baker's dream
Joseph interprets the butler's and the baker's dreams in a prison
Joseph interprets the dreams of two fellow inmates

Genesis 25:27
The Twins of Isaac (Genesis 25:19-28)
Esau was a hunter
Isaac preferred Esau
Jacob stayed with Rebekah
Isaac and his sons

(13 Pictures)
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
Genesis 25