Psalms 31:15-18
destiny <06256> [My times.]
116:15 1Sa 26:10 2Sa 7:12 Job 24:1 Ec 3:1-8 Lu 9:51
Joh 7:6,30 12:27 13:1 17:1 Ac 1:7 23:11 27:24 2Ti 4:6
2Pe 1:14 [All]
Rescue <05337> [deliver.]
<06440> [Make.]
Deliver <03467> [save.]
humiliated ............ humiliated <0954> [Let me.]
evil <07563> [wicked.]
6:10 35:4,26 40:14,15 70:2,3 71:24 83:16,17 Isa 41:11,12
Isa 45:16,17 65:13,14 Jer 20:11 Da 12:2 [All]
wailing <01826> [them.]
wailing .... grave <07585 01826> [silent in the grave. or, cut off for the grave.]
lying <08267> [the lying.]
speak <01696> [speak.]
defiantly ...... arrogance <06277 01346> [grievous things. Heb. a hard thing.]