Kidung Jemaat
Zechariah 2:10-12
Tuhan Melawat UmatNya [KJ.214]
1. Tuhan melawat umatNya; malam menjadi pagi!
Dalam terang hadiratNya kita dihibur lagi!
Luk 1:78-79
Luk 7:16
2. Habis menanggung mautNya di atas kayu salib,
kuburNya ditinggalkanNya: Ia telah kembali!
3. Murid-muridNya tercengang, kar'na tak menyadari
bahwa Mesias t'lah menang atas set'ru terakhir.
Luk 24:12, 37
1 Kor 15:26
4. Sion penuh keluh-kesah, kidung diganti tangis;
duka menimpa jiwanya awan menutup langit.Yes 3:26
Rat 1:4
Amos 8:10
5. Hai putri Sion, nyanyilah! Janganlah susah hati:
dalam cahaya hidupNya dukamu diobati!
Yes 52:9
Zef 3:14
Zkh 2:10
Yes 61:2-3
6. Puji-pujian mulutmu kini segar kembali:
oleh kuasa Roh Kudus kubur dibuka lagi!
7. Nyanyi seputar dunia bahwa Tuhanmu bangkit!
FirmanNya tinggal beserta dan mengobarkan hati!
Luk 24:32
8. Umat percaya, bangunlah, nyanyi tiap hari;
hiduplah bersejahtera, t'rima berkat ilahi!
9. Takhta mengganti salibNya dalam terang sorgawi;
kita di KerajaanNya hidup kekal abadi!Mat 25:31
Why 5:6
Why 7:17
Play Yerusalem [KJ.189]
1. Yerusalem, bersoraklah menyambut fajar mulia!
Terbitlah hari yang terang: Tuhanmu bangkit dan menang!
Zkh 2:10
Mrk 16:1-8
2. Kuasa kubur, alam maut tak menaklukkan Putra Daud:
Sang Bapa membangkitkanNya; abadilah kuasaNya!
Kis 2:24
Why 1:18
Ef 1:20-22
3. OlehNya kita pun lepas, tak lagi takut dan cemas:
dengan percaya padaNya sang maut hilang dashyatnya!
Ibr 2:14-15
1 Kor 15:54-56
4. KebangkitanNya memberi hidup yang baru tak henti.
Terbitlah dari matiNya hidup kekal dan mulia.Rm 6:3-4
1 Kor 6:14
2 Tim 1:10
Play Yesus, Sumber Penghiburan [KJ.217]
1. Yesus, Sumber Penghiburan, yang disalib,
dikuburkan, kini bangkit dan menang,
Raja Hidup dan Terang. Kubur tak menahan lagi
Sang Pahlawan yang Ilahi. Haleluya, Haleluya!
Kis 2:24
2. Oleh Dia yang perkasa kuasa Iblis t'lah binasa,
ya, setiap lawanNya kini sudah menyerah.
Hai, bernyanyi, Putri sion, bersyukur dengan pujian.
Haleluya, Haleluya!
Ibr 2:14-15
1 Yoh 3:8
Why 1:18
Yes 52:17Zef 3:14
Zkh 2:10
3. Dalam siang kemenangan ditelanlah maut dan malam.
Maut, di mana jayamu dan sengat ancamanmu?
Sorgalah warisan kami, Kristus t'lah membawa damai.
Haleluya, Haleluya!1 Kor 15:54-56
Psalms 33:12
[Psa 33:12] Blest Is The Nation Where The Lord
Blest is the nation where the Lord
Hath fixed His gracious throne,
Where He reveals His heav’nly Word
And calls their tribes His own.His eye with infinite survey
Does the whole behold;
He formed us all of equal clay
And knows our feeble mold.Kings are not rescued by the force
Of armies from the grave;
Nor speed nor courage of a horse
Can the bold rider save.Vain is the strength of beasts or men,
To hope for safety thence;
But holy souls from God obtain
A sure and strong defense.God is their fear, and God their trust;
When plagues or famine spread,
His watchful eye secures the just
Among ten thousand dead.Lord, let our hearts in Thee rejoice,
And bless us from Thy throne;
For we have made Thy Word our choice,
And trust Thy grace alone.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 33:12] O God, Hear Thou The Nation’s Prayer
O God, hear Thou the nation’s prayer,
We lift our cause to Thee;
We wage the holy war of Christ;
We fight to make men free.Give us to build our cities pure,
Salvation throned above,
To shelter lowly homes from ill,
And teach our hearts to love.
[originally, And tune our mills with love]Give us to guide the alien feet,
To teach the brother’s way,
To save our motherhood from need;
To guard our children’s play.May visions call and faith enflame,
And banish lust and greed;
O God, make Thou our home to be
[originally, Make Thou America to be]
A land of soulful deed.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 33:12] O Happy Natio
O happy nation, where the Lord
Reveals the treasure of His Word,
And builds His church, His earthly throne!
His eye the heathen world surveys,
He formed their hearts, He knows their ways;
But God their Maker is unknown.Let kings rely upon their host,
And of his strength the champion boast;
In vain they boast, in vain rely;
In vain we trust the brutal force,
Or speed, or courage, of a horse,
To guard his rider or to fly.The eye of Thy compassion, Lord,
Doth more secure defense afford
When death or dangers threatening stand;
Thy watchful eye preserves the just,
Who make Thy Name their fear and trust,
When wars or famine waste the land.In sickness, or the bloody field,
Thou our Physician, Thou our Shield,
Send us salvation from Thy throne:
We wait to see Thy goodness shine;
Let us rejoice in help divine,
For all our hope is God alone.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 33:12] O Lord, Our God, Thy Mighty Hand
O Lord, our God, Thy mighty hand
Hath made our country free;
From all her broad and happy land
May worship rise to Thee.
Fulfill the promise of her youth,
Her liberty defend;
By law and order, love and truth,
America, America, befriend!The strength of every state increase
In Union’s golden chain;
Her thousand cities fill with peace,
Her million fields with grain.
The virtues of her mingled blood
In one new people blend,
By unity and brotherhood,
America, America, befriend!O suffer not her feet to stray;
But guide her untaught might,
That she may walk in peaceful day,
And lead the world in light.
Bring down the proud, lift up the poor,
Unequal ways amend.
By justice, nationwide and sure,
America, America, befriend!Through all the waiting land proclaim
Thy gospel of goodwill;
And may the joy of Jesus’ Name
In every bosom thrill.
O’er hill, and vale, from sea to sea,
Thy holy reign extend;
By faith and hope and charity,
America, America, befriend!Play source: Cyberhymnal
Zechariah 2:10-12
[Zec 2:10] Awake, O Zion’s Daughter
Awake, O Zion’s daughter,
Awake from sorrow’s night;
Come forth in all thy beauty,
Arrayed in garments bright;
Why should thy vales be silent?
Why should thy harps be still,
When He, the Lord, is coming,
Thy soul with joy to fill?Refrain
Awake, awake, O Zion’s daughter,
Awake from sorrow’s night;
Come forth in all thy beauty,
Arrayed in garments bright.Thou hast not been forsaken,
Tho’ long by foes oppressed;
Thy tears were not unheeded,
By Him who loves thee best;
Oh, look above the shadows
For Him who yet shall reign;
Look up with eyes expectant,
Thy trust is not in vain.Refrain
His arm thy foes shall conquer,
His power their strength shall bind,
And they shall fly in terror,
Like chaff before the wind,
While thou thyself triumphant,
Upon the earth shall stand,
The light of every nation,
The pride of every land.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal