Psalms 44:1--49:20
Psalms 44: Do Not Reject Us Forever! (Psalms 44)
Psalms 45: For the King's Wedding (Psalms 45)
Psalms 46: Our Refuge and Strength (Psalms 46)
Psalms 47: God Reigns over the Nations (Psalms 47)
Psalms 48: The City of God (Psalms 48)
Psalms 49: Man Will Perish Despite of His Pomp (Psalms 49)
Psalm 45
David foresees the mystic marriage of Christ and the church
King's daughter, The
My tongue is the pen of a scribe who writes swiftly

(5 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Psalms 45
Psalm 46
Sons of Core thank God for their salvation, The
End of war, The
Our God is a refuge and strength, a helper in troubles

(5 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Psalms 46
Psalm 47
All the nations clap hands, make jubilation to god in the voice of exaltation
Clap your hands for joy *
Psalm 48
Psalm 48
Great is our Lord and to be praised exceedingly
Psalm 49
Like sheep they are laid in the grave *
Hear these things all nations, gather in with ears all that inhabit the world
He cannot take it with him when he dies
(4 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Psalms 49