NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Psalms 53:6


<05414> [Oh, etc. Heb. Who will give salvations, etc.]

Zion <06726> [out.]

God <0430> [God.]

Instead of {elohim,} "God," more than 20 MSS., with the LXX., Syriac, and Chaldee, read {yehowah,} "Jehovah," as in Ps 14:7.

<07725> [bringeth.]

Jacob <03290> [Jacob.]

Ezra 3:11-13


sang <06030> [they sang.]

good ............................ established <02896 03245> [because.]

shout <07321> [shouted.]

good ............................ established <02896 03245> [because.]


Many ............................... many <07227> [many.]

established <03245> [when the foundation.]

weeping <01058> [wept.]


People ................... people's ..... people <05971> [So that.]

This sight must have been very affecting; a whole people, one part weeping aloud with sorrow, the other shouting aloud for joy; and on the same occasion too, in which both sides felt an equal interest. The prophet Haggai (ch 2:1-9) comforted them on this occasion, by assuring them that the glory of this latter house should exceed that of the former, because the Lord would come to this temple, and fill it with His glory.

sound ....... sound ............... sound <06963> [the noise.]

shouting <07321> [shouted.]

sound ....... sound ............... sound <06963> [and the noise.]

Jeremiah 33:11


sounds ... joy ... gladness ..... celebrations <08342 06963> [voice of joy.]

sounds ..... gladness ..... celebrations ...................... say <06963 0559> [the voice of them.]

Give thanks .... Lord ........ Lord ............. Lord <03034 03068> [Praise the.]

thank offerings <08426> [sacrifice.]

restore <07725> [For I.]

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