Kidung Jemaat
Psalms 18:11
AllahMu Benteng Yang Teguh [KJ.250a]
1. Allahmu benteng yang teguh, perisai dan senjata;
betapa pun sengsaramu, pertolonganNya nyata!
Si jahat yang geram berniat 'kan menang;
Ngeri kuasanya dan tipu dayanya di bumi tak bertara.
Mzm 18
Mzm 46
Mzm 144:1-2
1 Ptr 5:8-11
Luk 10:18
Yoh 12:31
Ibr 2:14-15
1 Ptr 5:8
Why 13
2. Dengan tenaga yang fana niscaya kita kalah.
Pahlawan kita Dialah yang diurapi Allah.
Siapa namaNya? Sang Kristus mulia, Tuhan Yang Esa,
Panglima semesta. Niscaya Ia jaya!Yoh 16:33
Mzm 24:10
Ef 1:20-22
Kol 2:15
Why 17:14
3. Penuhpun setan dunia yang mau menumpas kita,
jangan gentar melihatnya; iman tak sia-sia!
Penghulu kuasa g'lap, meskipun menyergap,
Mustahil 'kan menang; kuasanya ditebang dengan sepatah kata.
4. FirmanNya pertahankan t'rus dan puji hanya Dia!
Dengan kuasa Roh Kudus Ia di pihak kita.
Kendati hidupmu diambil seteru,
Pun harta dan benda, akhirnya kitalah yang punya Kerajaan!Mzm 118:6
Rm 8:31
Mat 5:3, 10
Ibr 12:28
Yak 2:5
AllahMu Benteng Yang Teguh [KJ.250b]
1. Allahmu benteng yang teguh, perisai dan senjata;
betapa pun sengsaramu, pertolonganNya nyata!
Si jahat yang geram berniat 'kan menang;
Ngeri kuasanya dan tipu dayanya di bumi tak bertara.
2. Dengan tenaga yang fana niscaya kita kalah.
Pahlawan kita Dialah yang diurapi Allah.
Siapa namaNya? Sang Kristus mulia, Tuhan Yang Esa,
Panglima semesta. Niscaya Ia jaya!
3. Penuhpun setan dunia yang mau menumpas kita,
jangan gentar melihatnya; iman tak sia-sia!
Penghulu kuasa g'lap, meskipun menyergap,
Mustahil 'kan menang; kuasanya ditebang dengan sepatah kata.
4. FirmanNya pertahankan t'rus dan puji hanya Dia!
Dengan kuasa Roh Kudus Ia di pihak kita.
Kendati hidupmu diambil seteru,
Pun harta dan benda, akhirnya kitalah yang punya Kerajaan!Suci, Suci, Suci [KJ.2] ( Holy, Holy, Holy )
1. Suci, suci, suci Tuhan Maha kuasa! Dikau kami puji di pagi yang teduh.
Suci, suci, suci, murah dan perkasa,
Allah Tritunggal, agung namaMu!
Yes 6:2-3
Mzm 5:4
2. Suci, suci, suci! Kaum kudus tersungkur di depan takhtaMu memb'ri mahkotanya
Segenap malaikat sujud menyembahMu, Tuhan, Yang Ada s'lama-lamanya.
Why 4:6-11
3. Suci, suci, suci! Walau tersembunyi, walau yang berdosa tak nampak wajahMu,
Kau tetap Yang Suci, tiada terimbangi, Kau Mahakuasa, murni kasihMu
Ul 5:23-24
Mzm 18:12
1 Tim 6:16
4. Suci, suci, suci! Tuhan Mahakuasa! Patut Kau dipuji seluruh karyaMu.
Suci, suci, suci, murah dan perkasa, Allah Tritunggal, agung namaMu!Mzm 69:35
Mzm 103:22
Mzm 145:10
Psalms 19:2
Hai Makhluk Alam Semesta [KJ.60] ( All Creatures of Our God and King / Altissimo Omnipotente )
1. Hai mahluk alam semesta, Tuhan Allahmu pujilah:
Haleluya, haleluya! Surya perkasa dan terang, candra, kartika
Cemerlang, puji Allah tiap kala:
Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya!
Mzm 19:1-7
2. Angin yang hebat menderu,awan beranak dan mendung,
Haleluya, Haleluya, hawa cuaca yang cerah,
Musim penghujan marilah, puji Allah tiap kala:
Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya!
3. Air yang murni dan jernih, penawar haus, pembersih,
Haleluya, Haleluya, api hangat, penyenang,
Gagah, periang dan terang, puji Allah tiap kala:
Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya!
4. Ibu pertiwi mulia, limpah dengan anugerah,
Haleluya, Haleluya, bunga dan buah kauberi
Puspa semarak berseri; puji Allah tiap kala:
Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya!
5. Kamu yang tabah bergelut,insan pengampun dan lembut,
Haleluya, Haleluya, damai menghias hatimu;
Mahkota sorga bagimu!puji Allah tiap kala:
Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya!
1 Ptr 5:4
6. Hai maut, kau bersamaku. Tiada yang luput darimu.
Haleluya, Haleluya! Alangkah berbahagia
Yang mati dalam Tuhannya! Puji Allah tiap kala:
Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya!
Why 14:13
7. Hai segenap saudaraku, pujilah Tuhan Allahmu:
Haleluya, Haleluya! Abdi berhati mulia,
Ucapkan syukur padaNya! Puji Allah tiap kala:
Haleluya, Haleluya, Haleluya!Play Terang Matahari [KJ.322]
1. Terang matahari telah menyinari segala neg'ri,
dan gunung dan padang dan sawah dan ladang senang berseri.
Mzm 19:1-7
2. Gembira sekali kulihat kembali terang merekah, dan Bapa
di sorga, yang Bapaku juga, hendak kusembah.
Mzm 104:22-23
3. Syukur bagi Dia, Gembala yang setia, yang jaga tetap.
Anug'rahNya jua hariku semua, terang dan gelap.
Mzm 23:1-2
Mzm 121:3-6
4. Tenaga dan kuat, kerja yang kubuat, kepunyaanNya.
Dengan rendah hati hendak kuhormati Yang Mahaesa.
5. Sehari-harian besar pemberian kemurahanMu.
Ya Tuhan, kiranya kuingat s'lamanya kewajibanku.Mzm 68:20
Psalms 64:1
[Psa 64:1] Hear, Lord, The Voice Of My Complaint
Hear, Lord, the voice of my complaint,
Preserve my life from fear;
Hide me from plotting enemies
And evil, crowding near.
The workers of iniquity,
Their deadly shafts prepare;
They aim at me their treacherous words;
O save me from their snare.The wicked in their base designs
Grow arrogant and bold;
Conspiring secretly, they think
That God will not behold;
They search out more iniquity,
Their thoughts and plans are deep,
But God will smite, for He is near
His saints to guard and keep.The wicked, by their sins o’ercome,
Shall soon be brought to shame;
The hand of God shall yet appear,
And all shall fear His Name.
The just shall triumph in the Lord,
Their trust shall be secure,
And endless glory then shall crown
The upright and the pure.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 64:1] Unmoved By Fear, My Praise Is Due
Unmoved by fear, my praise is due
To Thee, Thou gracious God of saints;
Thy mercies great, Thy counsel true,
My prayers are heard and my complaints;
My prayers are heard and my complaints.Compassed by love, my heart’s best thought
I raise in gratitude to Thee;
Nor wait to thank Thee; all untaught,
Thy love’s best gift hath taught it me;
Thy love’s best gift hath taught it me.I fear but that I may not gain
A place beside my noblest Friend;
I love, but ah, the sweet refrain,
“On Thee, my Savior, I depend;
On Thee, my Savior, I depend.”Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 19:2
[Psa 19:2] Once More, My Soul, The Rising Day
Once more, my soul, the rising day
Salutes thy waking eyes;
Once more, my voice, thy tribute pay
To Him that rules the skies.Night unto night His Name repeats,
The day renews the sound,
Wide as the Heav’n on which He sits,
To turn the seasons round.’Tis He supports my mortal frame,
My tongue shall speak His praise;
My sins would rouse His wrath to flame,
And yet His wrath delays.On a poor worm Thy power might tread,
And I could ne’er withstand;
Thy justice might have crushed me dead,
But mercy held Thine hand.A thousand wretched souls are fled
Since the last setting sun,
And yet Thou length’nest out my thread,
And yet my moments run.Dear God, let all my hours be Thine,
Whilst I enjoy the light;
Then shall my sun in smiles decline,
And bring a pleasing night.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 15:1
[Psa 15:1] Lord, Who Shall Come To Thee
Lord, who shall come to Thee,
And stand before Thy face?
Who shall abide, a welcome guest,
Within Thy holy place?The man of upright life,
Sincere in word and deed,
Who slanders neither friend nor foe,
Nor idle tales will heed.Who honors godly men,
But scorns the false and vile,
Who keeps his promised word to all,
Though loss be his the while.Who loves not usury,
Nor takes a base reward;
Unmoved forever he shall be,
And stand before the Lord.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 15:1] Who, O Lord, With Thee Abiding
Who, O Lord, with Thee abiding,
In Thy House shall be Thy guest?
Who, his feet to Zion turning,
In Thy holy hill shall rest?
He that ever walks uprightly,
Does the right without a fear,
When he speaks, he speaks not lightly,
But with truth and love sincere.He that slanders not his brother,
Does not evil to a friend;
To reproaches of another
He refuses to attend.
Wicked men win not his favor,
But the good who fear the Lord;
From his vow he will not waver,
Though it bring him sad reward.Freely to the needy lending,
No excess he asks again;
And the innocent befriending,
He desires not praise of men.
Doing this, and evil spurning,
He shall nevermore be moved;
This the man with Thee sojourning,
This the man by Thee approved.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 15:1] Who Shall Ascend Thy Heav’nly Place?
Who shall ascend Thy heav’nly place,
Great God, and dwell before Thy face?
The man that minds religion now,
And humbly walks with God below.Whose hands are pure, whose heart is clean,
Whose lips still speak the thing they mean;
No slanders dwell upon his tongue;
He hates to do his neighbor wrong.Scarce will he trust an ill report,
Nor vents it to his neighbor’s hurt:
Sinners of state he can despise,
But saints are honored in his eyes.Firm to his word he ever stood,
And always makes his promise good;
Nor dares to change the thing he swears,
Whatever pain or loss he bears.He never deals in bribing gold,
And mourns that justice should be sold;
While others gripe and grind the poor,
Sweet charity attends his door.He loves his enemies, and prays
For those that curse him to his face
And doth to all men still the same
That he would hope or wish from them.Yet, when his holiest works are done,
His soul depends on grace alone:
This is the man Thy face shall see,
And dwell for ever, Lord, with Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 15:1] Who Shall Inhabit In Thy Hill?
Who shall inhabit in Thy hill,
O God of holiness?
Whom will the Lord admit to dwell
So near His throne of grace?The man that walks in pious ways,
And works with righteous hands;
That trusts his Maker’s promises,
And follows His commands.He speaks the meaning of his heart,
Nor slanders with his tongue;
Will scarce believe an ill report,
Nor do his neighbor wrong.The wealthy sinner he contemns,
Loves all that fear the Lord;
And though to his own hurt he swears,
Still he performs his word.His hands disdain a golden bribe,
And never gripe the poor:
This man shall dwell with God on earth,
And find his Heav’n secure.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 15:1] Why Doth The Lord Stand Off So Far?
Why doth the Lord stand off so far?
And why conceal His face,
When great calamities appear,
And times of deep distress?Lord, shall the wicked still deride
Thy justice and Thy power?
Shall they advance their heads in pride,
And still Thy saints devour?They put Thy judgments from their sight,
And then insult the poor;
They boast in their exalted height,
That they shall fall no more.Arise, O God, lift up Thine hand,
Attend our humble cry;
No enemy shall dare to stand
When God ascends on high.Why do the men of malice rage,
And say, with foolish pride,
“The God of Heav’n will ne’er engage
To fight on Zion’s side?”But Thou forever art our Lord;
And powerful is Thine hand,
As when the heathens felt Thy sword,
And perished from Thy land.Thou wilt prepare our hearts to pray,
And cause Thine ear to hear;
He hearkens what His children say,
And puts the world in fear.Proud tyrants shall no more oppress,
No more despise the just;
And mighty sinners shall confess
They are but earth and dust.Play source: Cyberhymnal