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Psalms 74:15


74:15 You broke open the spring and the stream; 1 

you dried up perpetually flowing rivers. 2 

Psalms 106:9


106:9 He shouted at 3  the Red Sea and it dried up;

he led them through the deep water as if it were a desert.

Exodus 15:8


15:8 By the blast of your nostrils 4  the waters were piled up,

the flowing water stood upright like a heap, 5 

and the deep waters were solidified in the heart of the sea.

Joshua 3:13-16

3:13 When the feet 6  of the priests carrying the ark of the Lord, the Ruler 7  of the whole earth, touch 8  the water of the Jordan, the water coming downstream toward you will stop flowing and pile up.” 9 

3:14 So when the people left their tents to cross the Jordan, the priests carrying the ark of the covenant went 10  ahead of them. 3:15 When the ones carrying the ark reached the Jordan and the feet of the priests carrying the ark touched the surface 11  of the water – (the Jordan is at flood stage all during harvest time) 12 3:16 the water coming downstream toward them stopped flowing. 13  It piled up far upstream 14  at Adam (the city near Zarethan); there was no water at all flowing to the sea of the Arabah (the Salt Sea). 15  The people crossed the river opposite Jericho. 16 

Joshua 3:2

3:2 After three days the leaders went through the camp

Joshua 22:16

22:16 “The entire community of the Lord says, ‘Why have you disobeyed the God of Israel by turning back today from following the Lord? You built an altar for yourselves and have rebelled today against the Lord. 17 
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[74:15]  1 sn You broke open the spring and the stream. Perhaps this alludes to the way in which God provided water for the Israelites as they traveled in the wilderness following the exodus (see Ps 78:15-16, 20; 105:41).

[74:15]  2 sn Perpetually flowing rivers are rivers that contain water year round, unlike the seasonal streams that flow only during the rainy season. Perhaps the psalmist here alludes to the drying up of the Jordan River when the Israelites entered the land of Canaan under Joshua (see Josh 3-4).

[106:9]  3 tn Or “rebuked.”

[15:8]  4 sn The phrase “the blast of your nostrils” is a bold anthropomorphic expression for the wind that came in and dried up the water.

[15:8]  5 tn The word “heap” describes the walls of water. The waters, which are naturally fluid, stood up as though they were a heap, a mound of earth. Likewise, the flowing waters deep in the ocean solidified – as though they were turned to ice (U. Cassuto, Exodus, 175).

[3:13]  6 tn Heb “the soles of the feet.”

[3:13]  7 tn Or “Lord”; or “Master.”

[3:13]  8 tn Or “rest in.”

[3:13]  9 tn Heb “the waters of the Jordan, the waters descending from above, will be cut off so that they will stand in one pile.”

[3:14]  10 tn The verb, though not in the Hebrew, is added for clarification.

[3:15]  11 tn Heb “dipped into the edge.”

[3:15]  12 tn Heb “and the Jordan overflows all its banks all the days of harvest.”

[3:16]  13 tn Heb “the waters descending from above stood still.”

[3:16]  14 tn Heb “they stood in one pile very far away.”

[3:16]  15 tn Heb “the [waters] descending toward the sea of the Arabah (the Salt Sea) were completely cut off.”

[3:16]  16 map For the location of Jericho see Map5 B2; Map6 E1; Map7 E1; Map8 E3; Map10 A2; Map11 A1.

[22:16]  17 tn Heb “What is this unfaithfulness with which you have been unfaithful against the God of Israel, turning today from after the Lord, when you built for yourselves an altar, rebelling today against the Lord?”

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