Psalms 77:10-12
sickened <02470> [This is, etc.]
Or, as Dr. Waterland renders, "This my affliction is a change of the right hand of the Most High," i.e., it proceeds from a change of God's conduct towards me. De Dieu renders, {Precari, hoc meum est; mutare dextram Altissimi:} "To pray, this is my business: to change the right hand of the Most High." I can do nothing else than pray: God is the Ruler of events. Mr. N. M. Berlin translates, {Dolere meum hoc est: mutare est dextr‘ Altissimi:} "To grieve is my portion: to change (my condition) belongs to the right hand of the Most High."
<08141> [the years.]
think <01897> [meditate.]
reflect <07878> [talk.]