Kidung Jemaat
Psalms 116:1-5
'Ku Mengasihi Yesus, Tuhanku [KJ.305]
1. 'Ku mengasihi Yesus, Tuhanku, Penghibur kalau hatiku
gelisah, Yang melepaskan orang dari susah. Wahai jiwaku,
puji Tuhanmu!Mzm 116:1-6
Yoh 21:15-17
Ef 6:24
2 Tim 4:18
2. 'Ku mengasihi Yesus, Penebus: olehNya taurat tak mengutuk lagi;
lunaslah sudah utang yang ditagih; dosa dihapus darah Yang Kudus.
Rm 5:16-19
Gal 3:13
1 Kor 7:23
Kol 1:20
3. 'Ku mengasihi Yesus s'lamanya: Sabda dan RohNya menyucikan daku;
aib dosaku sudah Ia basuh; 'ku dibarui turut citraNya.
Ibr 9:11-14
1 Yoh 1:7
4. 'Ku mengasihi Yesus, Sobatku: ketika aku, bagai kanak-kanak
jalan tertatih waktu mau melangkah, 'ku dipegang tanganNya yang teguh.
Mzm 73:23
Hos 11:3
5. 'Ku mengasihi Yesus tak henti: rela kupikul salib dan bebanNya
dan kulakukan titah dan pesanNya; jangan olehku Tuhanku sedih.
Mat 11:28-30
Mrk 8:34
6. 'Ku mengasihi Yesus yang teguh memimpin daku sampai aku mati;
di saat itu dosa tiada lagi dan 'ku lega memuji Tuhanku.
Rm 6:7
7. Yang kukasihi, HariNya dekat. Nanti kulihat kemuliaan Tuhan
dan di terangNya Dia kuagungkan. Pujilah Tuhan, segenap jemaat.Rm 13:12
1 Yoh 3:2
Why 22:4
Play Ajaib Benar Anugerah [KJ.40] ( Amazing Grace )
1. Ajaib benar anugerah pembaru hidupku!
'Ku hilang, buta, bercela; olehnya 'ku sembuh.
Ef 2:4-9
Mat 11:5
Yoh 9:25
Why 3:17
2. Ketika insaf, 'ku cemas, sekarang 'ku lega!
Syukur, bebanku t'lah lepas berkat anugerah!
Yoh 16:8
Mat 11:28
3. Di jurang yang penuh jerat terancam jiwaku;
anug'rah kupegang erat dan aman pulangku.
Mzm 23:4
Mzm 116:3-9
4. Kudapat janji yang teguh, kuharap sabdaNya
dan Tuhanlah perisaiku tetap selamanya.
Rm 4:20-21
Ibr 6:11-12
Ibr 10:22-23
5. Kendati nanti ragaku terkubur dan lenyap,
padanya aku berteduh bahagia tetap.
Mzm 73:26
6. Meski selaksa tahun lenyap di sorga mulia,
rasanya baru sekejap memuji namaNya!Play
Psalms 77:2
[Psa 77:2] In Time Of Tribulation
In time of tribulation, hear, Lord, my feeble cries;
With humble supplication to Thee my spirit flies;
My heart with grief is breaking, scarce can my voice complain;
Mine eyes with tears kept waking, still watch and weep in vain.The days of old, in vision, bring banished bliss to view;
The years of lost fruition, their joys in pangs renew;
Remembered songs of gladness, through nights lone silence brought,
Strike notes of deeper sadness, and stir desponding thought.Hath God cast off forever? Can time His truth impair?
His tender mercy never shall I presume to share?
Hath He His loving kindness shut up in endless wrath?
No; this is mine own blindness, that cannot see His path.I call to recollection the years of His right hand;
And, strong in His protection, again through faith I stand;
Thy deeds, O Lord, are wondrous; holy are all Thy ways;
The secret place of thunder shall utter forth Thy praise.Thee, with the tribes assembled, O God, the billows saw;
They saw Thee, and they trembled, turned, and stood still with awe;
The clouds shot hail and lightning; the earth reeled to and fro;
Thy fiery pillar brightened the gulf of gloom below.Thy way is in great waters, Thy footsteps are not known;
Let Adam’s sons and daughters confide in Thee alone:
Through the wild sea Thou leadest Thy chosen flock of yore;
Still on the waves Thou treadest, and Thy redeemed pass o’er.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Psalms 116:1-5
[Psa 116:1] I Love The Lord, For My Request
I love the Lord, for my request
And humble plea He makes His care;
In Him through life my faith shall rest,
For He both hears and answers prayer.Brought nigh to death and full of grief,
The Lord’s salvation I besought;
He heard my cry, and sent relief,
My soul from depths of woe He brought.Most kind and righteous is the Lord,
Our God is merciful indeed;
Delighting ever to afford
His help to me in time of need.Return unto thy rest, my soul,
The Lord has richly dealt with thee,
Delivered thee from death’s control,
From sin and sorrow set thee free.Since He has freed mine eyes from tears
And kept my feet from evil ways,
Redeemed from life’s distressing fears,
With Him I walk, and Him I praise.In my affliction and my pain,
When fears alarmed and hopes deceived,
I found all human helpers vain,
But in the Lord my soul believed.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 116:1] I Love The Lord; He Heard My Cries
I love the Lord; He heard my cries,
And pitied every groan;
Long as I live, when troubles rise,
I’ll hasten to His throne.I love the Lord; He bowed His ear,
And chased my griefs away;
O let my heart no more despair,
While I have breath to pray!My flesh declined, my spirits fell,
And I drew near the dead;
While inward pangs and fears of hell
Perplexed my wakeful head.“My God,” I cried, “Thy servant save,
Thou ever good and just;
Thy power can rescue from the grave,
Thy power is all my trust.”The Lord beheld me sore distressed,
He bid my pains remove;
Return, my soul, to God thy rest,
For thou hast known His love.My God hath saved my soul from death,
And dried my falling tears;
Now to His praise I’ll spend my breath,
And my remaining years.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 116:1] I Love The Lord, He Heard My Voice
I Love the Lord; He heard my voice,
And owned my humble prayer:
He makes my broken heart rejoice:
He makes my soul His care.When hosts of foes beset me round,
And threatened to destroy,
In Him the wished relief I found;
My heart revived with joy.The pains of hell, and fears of death,
Encompassed me around;
To Him I cried with faltering breath,
And full deliverance found.Long as I live, I’ll bless His Name,
And triumph in His Word;
By Him alone salvation came,
Who is the mighty Lord.Trust ye the Lord, nor yield to fear;
On His rich love depend:
He will preserve you while you’re here,
And save you to the end.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 116:5] O Gracious God, Whose Constant Care
O gracious God, whose constant care
Supplies our golden days,
Whose joyous fellowship we share
At work, at rest, in play and prayer—
Accept our heartfelt praise.We thank Thee, Father, for each word,
Each thought-revealing truth,
For prophet voices gladly heard,
For darling dreams, for friends who stirred
The fragile wills of youth.Companion of this sacred hour,
Renew in us each day
Our lofty purpose; grant us power
That worthy thoughts in deeds may flower,
In Christlike lives, we pray.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Hebrews 5:7
[Heb 5:7] Our Blessèd Savior Seven Times Spoke
Our blessèd Savior sev’n times spoke
When on the cross our sins He took
And died lest men should perish.
Let us His last and dying words
In our remembrance cherish.“Father, forgive these men; for, lo,
They truly know not what they do.”
So far His love extended.
Forgive us, Lord, for we, too, have
Through ignorance offended.Now to the contrite thief He cries:
“Thou, verily, in Paradise
Shall meet Me ere tomorrow.”
Lord, take us to Thy kingdom soon
Who linger here in sorrow.To weeping Mary, standing by,
“Behold thy Son,” now hear Him cry;
To John, “Behold thy mother.”
Provide, O Lord, for those we leave;
Let each befriend the other.The Savior’s fourth word was “I thirst.”
O mighty Prince of Life, Thy thirst
For us and our salvation
Is truly great; do help us, then,
That we escape damnation.The fifth, “My God, My God, O why
Forsake Me?” Hark, the awful cry!
Lord, Thou wast here forsaken
That we might be received on high;
Let this hope not be shaken.The sixth, when victory was won,
“’Tis finished!” for Thy work was done.
Grant, Lord, that, onward pressing,
We may the work Thou dost impose
Fulfill with Thine own blessing.The last, as woe and sufferings end,
“O God, My Father, I commend
Into Thy hands My Spirit.”
Be this, dear Lord, my dying wish;
O heavenly Father, hear it.Whoe’er, by sense of sin oppressed,
Upon these words his thoughts will rest,
He joy and hope obtaineth
And through God’s love and boundless grace
A peaceful conscience gaineth.O Jesus Christ, Thou Crucified,
Who hast for our offenses died,
Grant that we e’er may ponder
Thy wounds, Thy cross, Thy bitter death,
Both here below and yonder.Play source: Cyberhymnal