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Psalms 78:42-43


78:42 They did not remember what he had done, 1 

how he delivered them from the enemy, 2 

78:43 when he performed his awesome deeds 3  in Egypt,

and his acts of judgment 4  in the region of Zoan.

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[78:42]  1 tn Heb “his hand,” symbolizing his saving activity and strength, as the next line makes clear.

[78:42]  2 tn Heb “[the] day [in] which he ransomed them from [the] enemy.”

[78:43]  3 tn Or “signs” (see Ps 65:8).

[78:43]  4 tn Or “portents, omens” (see Ps 71:7). The Egyptian plagues are referred to here (see vv. 44-51).

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