Psalms 81:4-7
Joseph <03084> [in Joseph.]
regulation <05715> [for a.]
land <0776> [through. or, against.]
heard <08085> [where.]
removed <05493> [I removed.]
holding <05674> [were delivered. Heb. passed away. from the pots.]
Or rather, as {dood} also signifies, (see 2 Ki 10:7; Jer 24:2,} the basket: so LXX., and Symmachus, [\~kofinov\~, kophinos,] and Vulgate and Jerome, {cophino;} and Diodati, {le sue mani si non dipartite dalle corbe,} "his hands were removed from the baskets," i.e., says he in a note, {de portar la terra da far mattoni,} "from carrying earth to make bricks," Ex 1:14.
called out <07121> [calledst.]
from a dark <05643> [secret.]
tested <0974> [proved.]
Meribah <04809> [Meribah. or, strife.]