Kidung Jemaat
Psalms 89:14-52
Siang, Malam, Musim, Tahun [KJ.331]
1. Siang, malam, musim, tahun gilir ganti melenyap; bayang-
bayangnya berlalu, tiada satu yang tetap. Hidup kita menjalani
jangka waktu dunia; tak terulang yang terjadi, tinggal tanggung jawabnya.
2. Orang hidup ditinggalkan oleh pendahulunya, kita pun menuju
makam yang fana. Dari bumi kita lahir dan kembali padaNya;
tanpa rahmat yang ilahi, apakah manusia?
Pkh 1:4
Mzm 89:48-49
Kej 3:19
Mzm 103:14
Mzm 144:3-4
3. Sungguh, Allah mengasihi dunia ciptaanNya: dalam PutraNya
sendiri Ia tinggal beserta. Yang percaya kepadaNya, tak binasa
tenggelam, tapi hidup selamanya dalam Dia yang menang.
Yoh 3:16
Mat 1:23
4. Walau zaman menghanyutkan tiap hal di dunia, pengasihanMu,
ya Tuhan, untuk s'lama-lamanya! Di segala perubahan, dalam
duka apapun, dalam Kristus aku aman: kau menjadi Bapaku!
Mzm 90:5-10
Mzm 103:15-18
Yes 40:6-8
5. Bapa, Sumber pengasihan, Bapa dalam t'rang dan g'lap. Bapa
dalam kematian, pun di kubur yang senyap, setiaMu tak berubah,
kasihMu tetap teguh: Bapa, kepadaMu jua kuserahkan diriku.
6. Siang, malam, musim, tahun, biar kamu melenyap; dalam suka
dan dukaku rahmat Allahku tetap! TanganNya menuntun daku
lewat zaman dunia dan akhirnya 'ku selalu tinggal dalam rumahNya.Mzm 31:16
Mzm 23:6
Psalms 89:14-52
[Psa 89:14] Almighty God, Thy Lofty Throne
Almighty God, Thy lofty throne
Has justice for its cornerstone,
And shining bright before Thy face
Are truth and love and boundless grace.With blessing is the nation crowned
Whose people know the joyful sound;
They in the light, O Lord, shall live,
The light Thy face and favor give.Thy Name with gladness they confess,
Exalted in Thy righteousness;
Their fame and might to Thee belong,
For in Thy favor they are strong.All glory unto God we yield,
Jehovah is our Help and Shield;
All praise and honor will we bring
To Israel’s Holy One, our King.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 89:14] Trembling Before Thine Awful Throne
Trembling before Thine awful throne,
O Lord, in dust my sins I own;
Justice and mercy for my life
Contend; O smile, and heal the strife.The Savior smiles; upon my soul
New tides of hope tumultuous roll;
His voice proclaims my pardon found,
Seraphic transport wings the sound.Earth has a joy unknown to Heaven,
The newborn peace of sins forgiven;
Tears of such pure and deep delight,
Ye angels, never dimmed your sight.Ye saw, of old, on chaos rise
The beauteous pillars of the skies;
Ye know where Morn exulting springs,
And Evening folds her drooping wings.Bright heralds of the eternal Will,
Abroad His errands ye fulfill;
Or, throned in floods of beamy day,
Symphonious in His presence play.Loud is the song, the heavenly plain
Is shaken with the choral strain;
And dying echoes, floating far,
Draw music from each chiming star.But I amid your choirs shall shine,
And all your knowledge shall be mine:
Ye on your harps must lean to hear
A secret chord that mine will bear.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 89:15] Ring, Happy Bells Of Easter Time
Ring, happy bells of Easter time,
The world is glad to hear your chime;
Across wide fields of melting snow
The winds of summer softly blow,
And birds and streams repeat the chime
Of Easter time, of Easter time:Refrain
The world is glad to hear your chime;
Ring, happy bells of Easter time!Ring, happy bells of Easter time,
The world takes up your chant sublime;
The Lord is risen, the night of fear
Has passed away and heaven draws near:
We breathe the air of that blest clime,
At Easter time, at Easter time:Refrain
Ring, happy bells of Easter time,
Our happy hearts give back your chime;
The Lord is risen, we die no more:
He opens wide the heavenly door;
He meets us, while to Him we climb,
At Easter time, at Easter time:Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 89:18] O Savior, Lord, To Thee We Pray
O Savior, Lord, to Thee we pray,
Whose love has kept us safe today,
Protect us through the coming night,
And ever save us by Thy might.Be with us now, in mercy nigh,
And spare Thy servants when they cry;
Our sins blot out, our prayers receive,
Thy light throughout our darkness give.Let not dull sleep the soul oppress,
Nor secret foe the heart possess;
Our flesh keep chaste, that it may be
A holy temple meet for Thee.To Thee, who dost our hearts renew,
With fervent prayer we humbly sue,
That pure in thought and free from stain,
We from our beds may rise again.All praise to God the Father be,
All praise, eternal Son, to Thee,
Whom with the Spirit we adore
Forever and forevermore.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 89:19] In Vision To His Saints God Spake
In vision to His saints God spake:
“From out the people one I take,
A mighty leader, true and brave,
Ordained, exalted, strong to save.
My chosen servant I appoint,
With holy oil his head anoint;
My hand with him shall still remain,
My arm his strength shall well sustain.“No enemy shall him affright,
His adversaries I will smite,
My faithfulness to him will prove,
And nevermore My grace remove.
Yea, he shall triumph in My Name,
And great shall be his power and fame,
From sea to sea his mighty hand
Shall hold dominion o’er the land.“‘Thou art my Father,’ he shall cry,
‘My God, my Rock of refuge high’;
My firstborn son shall he be owned,
Above the kings of earth enthroned.
For him My mercy shall endure,
My covenant with him is sure;
His throne and race I will maintain,
Forever, while the heavens remain.“Should sons of his My laws forsake,
My just commands and statutes break,
Then, though My rod their sins reprove,
My mercy I will not remove.
Though they be chastened sore and tried,
My faithfulness shall yet abide;
My plighted word I will not break,
Nor change the promise that I spake.“My oath is steadfast, ever sure,
My servant’s race shall still endure;
His throne forever firm shall stay
When sun and moon have passed away.”
On Thine anointed wrath is poured
As if Thy covenant were abhorred;
Thou hast profaned his kingly crown,
His matchless strength is broken down.He is reproached and spoiled of all,
His enemies upon him fall;
His beauty is consumed away,
Forgotten is his kingly sway.
Cut off in youth, his sacred name
Is covered now with deepest shame;
How long, O Lord, shall wrath abide?
Thy face forever wilt Thou hide?Think on my life; O Lord, take thought;
Hast Thou created man for naught?
What man that lives has power to save
His soul from death, and from the grave?
Where are Thy mercies which of old
Were in Thy promises foretold?
Remember, Lord, the bitter shame
Heaped on Thine own anointed’s name.I sing of mercies that endure
Forever builded firm and sure,
Of faithfulness that never dies,
Established changeless in the skies.
Blest be the Lord forevermore,
Whose promise stands from days of yore.
His word is faithful now as then;
Blest be His Name. Amen, Amen.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 89:26] My God, My Father, Blissful Name!
My God, my Father, blissful Name!
O may I call Thee mine?
May I, with sweet assurance, claim
A portion so divine?This only can my fears control,
And bid my sorrows fly:
What harm can ever reach my soul,
Beneath my Father’s eye?Whate’er Thy providence denies,
I calmly would resign;
For Thou art just, and good, and wise;
O bend my will to Thine.Whate’er Thy sacred will ordains,
O give me strength to bear;
And let me know my Father reigns,
And trust His tender care.If pain and sickness rend this frame,
And life almost depart,
Is not Thy mercy still the same,
To cheer my drooping heart?My God, my Father! be Thy Name
My solace and my stay;
O wilt Thou seal my humble claim,
And drive my fears away?Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Psa 89:52] O Blessèd Be The Lord
O blessèd be the Lord
For His eternal Word,
That sheds around the paths we tread
Its calm and steady rays:
Come, worship at His throne;
O make His wonders known,
And let His temple gates be filled
With songs of praise.O blessèd be the Lord,
In Heav’n and earth adored;
The God of truth and righteousness,
Our hope beyond the grave;
Let anthems to the skies
In joyful concert rise;
O praise the Lord, whose mighty arm
Is strong to save.O blessèd be our King,
Whose Name the angels sing,
While all the ransomed host above
Their crowns before Him cast;
O blessèd be our King,
Who soon His own shall bring;
Forever there, to rest from care,
With Him at last.Play source: Cyberhymnal