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Psalms 9:4

For thou hast maintained
<06213> (8804)
my right
and my cause
thou satest
<03427> (8804)
in the throne
<08199> (8802)
{maintained...: Heb. made my judgment} {judging right: Heb. judging in righteousness}

Psalms 10:17-18

thou hast heard
<08085> (8804)
the desire
of the humble
thou wilt prepare
<03559> (8686)
their heart
thou wilt cause thine ear
to hear
<07181> (8686)_:
{prepare: or, establish}
To judge
<08199> (8800)
the fatherless
and the oppressed
that the man
of the earth
may no more
<03254> (8686)
<06206> (8800)_.
{oppress: or, terrify}

Psalms 22:24

For he hath not despised
<0959> (8804)
nor abhorred
<08262> (8765)
the affliction
of the afflicted
neither hath he hid
<05641> (8689)
his face
from him; but when he cried
<07768> (8763)
unto him, he heard
<08085> (8804)_.

Psalms 72:4

He shall judge
<08199> (8799)
the poor
of the people
he shall save
<03467> (8686)
the children
of the needy
and shall break in pieces
<01792> (8762)
the oppressor
<06231> (8802)_.

Psalms 72:12-14

For he shall deliver
<05337> (8686)
the needy
when he crieth
<07768> (8764)_;
the poor
also, and [him] that hath no helper
<05826> (8802)_.
He shall spare
<02347> (8799)
the poor
and needy
and shall save
<03467> (8686)
the souls
of the needy
He shall redeem
<01350> (8799)
their soul
from deceit
and violence
and precious
<03365> (8799)
shall their blood
be in his sight

Psalms 102:17

He will regard
<06437> (8804)
the prayer
of the destitute
and not despise
<0959> (8804)
their prayer

Psalms 102:1

<A Prayer <08605>
of the afflicted
when he is overwhelmed
<05848> (8799)_,
and poureth out
<08210> (8799)
his complaint
the LORD
<08085> (8798)
my prayer
and let my cry
<0935> (8799)
unto thee. {of: or, for}

Psalms 8:1

<To the chief Musician <05329> (8764)
upon Gittith
A Psalm
of David
our Lord
how excellent
[is] thy name
in all the earth
who hast set
<05414> (8798)
thy glory
above the heavens

Psalms 8:1

<To the chief Musician <05329> (8764)
upon Gittith
A Psalm
of David
our Lord
how excellent
[is] thy name
in all the earth
who hast set
<05414> (8798)
thy glory
above the heavens

Proverbs 22:22

<01497> (8799)
not the poor
because he [is] poor
neither oppress
<01792> (8762)
the afflicted
in the gate

Proverbs 23:10-11

<05253> (8686)
not the old
and enter
<0935> (8799)
not into the fields
of the fatherless
{landmark: or, bound}
For their redeemer
<01350> (8802)
[is] mighty
he shall plead
<07378> (8799)
their cause
with thee.

Isaiah 11:4

But with righteousness
shall he judge
<08199> (8804)
the poor
and reprove
<03198> (8689)
with equity
for the meek
of the earth
and he shall smite
<05221> (8689)
the earth
with the rod
of his mouth
and with the breath
of his lips
shall he slay
<04191> (8686)
the wicked
{reprove: or, argue}

Jeremiah 22:16

He judged
<01777> (8804)
the cause
of the poor
and needy
then [it was] well
[with him: was] not this to know
me? saith
<05002> (8803)
the LORD

Matthew 11:5

The blind
receive their sight
<308> (5719)_,
the lame
<4043> (5719)_,
the lepers
are cleansed
<2511> (5743)_,
the deaf
<191> (5719)_,
the dead
are raised up
<1453> (5743)_,
the poor
have the gospel preached to them
<2097> (5743)_.

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