Psalms 9:7-9
9f.: The Lord Hears the Cry of the Afflicted (Psalms 9)
Psalm 10
Psalm 9
I will acknowledge you lord with all my heart
Lord appoint a law-giver over them

Psalms 72:4
Psalms 72: God Bless the King! (Psalms 72)
Psalm 72
Kings of Tharsis and the islands shall offer presents, The
All nations will call him blessed
Psalms 82:2-5
Psalms 82: How Long Will You Defend the Unjust? (Psalms 82)
Psalm 82
God stood in the assembly of gods and in the midst he judged gods
(2 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Psalms 82
Isaiah 11:4
The Branch from Jesse, the Kingdom of Peace (Isaiah 11)
Tree of Jesse, The
Tree of Jesse, The
Lamb lying down with the lion, The *
Messianic times

Jeremiah 5:28
Why Should I Forgive You? (Jeremiah 5)
I will bring a nation upon you from far
(1 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Jeremiah 5