Psalms 93:1
Context93:1 The Lord reigns!
He is robed in majesty,
the Lord is robed,
he wears strength around his waist. 2
Indeed, the world is established, it cannot be moved.
Isaiah 59:17
Context59:17 He wears his desire for justice 3 like body armor, 4
and his desire to deliver is like a helmet on his head. 5
He puts on the garments of vengeance 6
and wears zeal like a robe.
Daniel 7:9
Context7:9 “While I was watching,
thrones were set up,
and the Ancient of Days 7 took his seat.
His attire was white like snow;
the hair of his head was like lamb’s 8 wool.
His throne was ablaze with fire
and its wheels were all aflame. 9

[93:1] 1 sn Psalm 93. The psalmist affirms that the
[93:1] 2 sn Strength is compared here to a belt that one wears for support. The Lord’s power undergirds his rule.
[59:17] 3 tn Or “righteousness” (KJV, NASB, NIV, NRSV, NLT); NCV “goodness.”
[59:17] 4 tn Or “a breastplate” (traditional; so many English versions); TEV “a coat of armour.”
[59:17] 5 tn Heb “and [as] a helmet deliverance on his head.”
[59:17] 6 tn Heb “and he puts on the clothes of vengeance [as] a garment.”
[7:9] 5 tn Or “the Ancient One” (NAB, NRSV, NLT), although the traditional expression has been retained in the present translation because it is familiar to many readers. Cf. TEV “One who had been living for ever”; CEV “the Eternal God.”
[7:9] 6 tn Traditionally the Aramaic word נְקֵא (nÿqe’) has been rendered “pure,” but here it more likely means “of a lamb.” Cf. the Syriac neqya’ (“a sheep, ewe”). On this word see further, M. Sokoloff, “’amar neqe’, ‘Lamb’s Wool’ (Dan 7:9),” JBL 95 (1976): 277-79.