Kidung Jemaat
Revelation 1:4-5
Puji Tuhan, Haleluya [KJ.391]
1. Puji Tuhan, haleluya! Puji Tuhan, haleluya,
kini dan selamanya! Amin.
2. Mengapa, orang Kristen, harapanmu lemah?
Tuhanmu berkuasa diatas dunia!
Kembali ke Reff.
Mat 28:18
3. Puji Tuhan, haleluya! Puji Tuhan, haleluya,
kini dan selamanya! Amin.
4. Segala sesuatu ditanggung Tuhanmu.
Mengapa lagi takut? Percayalah teguh!
Kembali ke Reff.
Mzm 68:20
5. Puji Tuhan, haleluya! Puji Tuhan, haleluya,
kini dan selamanya! Amin.
6. Ikutilah Rajamu yang bangkit dan menang;
bebanmu jadi ringan, gelapmu pun terang.
Kembali ke Reff.
Mat 11:28-30
7. Puji Tuhan, haleluya! Puji Tuhan, haleluya,
kini dan selamanya! Amin.
8. Sampaikanlah firmanNya di mana-mana pun,
Serta perbuatanNya teruskan bertekun!
Kembali ke Reff.
Mat 28:19-20
Mrk 16:15
Luk 24:47
Kis 1:8
9. Puji Tuhan, haleluya! Puji Tuhan, haleluya,
kini dan selamanya! Amin.
10. Damaikanlah sengketa, satukan yang pecah,
Ampuni yang bersalah, lindungi yang lemah!
Kembali ke Reff.
Mrk 11:25
Rm 12:18
Ef 4:32
1 Tes 5:14-15
Yak 3:13-18
11. Puji Tuhan, haleluya! Puji Tuhan, haleluya,
kini dan selamanya! Amin.
12. Kendati kuasa dunia selalu menentang,
Penindas akan jatuh dan salib t'lah menang!
Kembali ke Reff.Kol 2:10, 15
Mzm 72:4
1 Kor 1:18
Revelation 1:4-5
[Rev 1:5] Let Us Love And Sing And Wonder
Let us love and sing and wonder,
Let us praise the Savior’s Name!
He has hushed the law’s loud thunder,
He has quenched Mount Sinai’s flame.
He has washed us with His blood,
He has brought us nigh to God.Let us love the Lord Who bought us,
Pitied us when enemies,
Called us by His grace, and taught us,
Gave us ears and gave us eyes:
He has washed us with His blood,
He presents our souls to God.Let us sing, though fierce temptation
Threaten hard to bear us down!
For the Lord, our strong Salvation,
Holds in view the conqueror’s crown:
He Who washed us with His blood
Soon will bring us home to God.Let us wonder; grace and justice
Join and point to mercy’s store;
When through grace in Christ our trust is,
Justice smiles and asks no more:
He Who washed us with His blood
Has secured our way to God.Let us praise, and join the chorus
Of the saints enthroned on high;
Here they trusted Him before us,
Now their praises fill the sky:
“Thou hast washed us with Your blood;
Thou art worthy, Lamb of God!”Hark! the Name of Jesus, sounded
Loud, from golden harps above!
Lord, we blush, and are confounded,
Faint our praises, cold our love!
Wash our souls and songs with blood,
For by Thee we come to God.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 1:5] Lord, Enthroned In Heavenly Splendor
Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendor,
First begotten from the dead,
You alone, our strong Defender,
Now lift up Your people’s head.Refrain
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Jesus, true and living Bread!
Jesus, true and living Bread!Here our humblest homage pay we,
Here in loving reference bow;
Here for faith’s discernment pray we,
Lest we fail to know You now.Refrain
Though the lowliest form doth veil Thee
As of old in Bethlehem,
Here as there Thine angels hail Thee,
Branch and Flower of Jesse’s stem.Refrain
Paschal Lamb, Your offering finished
Once for all when You were slain,
In its fullness undiminished
Shall forevermore remain.Refrain
Great High Priest of our profession,
Through the veil Thou wentest in,
By Thy mighty intercession,
Grace and peace for us to win.Refrain
Life imparting heavenly Manna,
Smitten Rock with streaming side,
Heaven and earth with loud hosanna
Worship You, the Lamb Who died.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Rev 1:5] Now To The Lord, Who Makes Us Know
Now to the Lord, that makes us know
The wonders of His dying love,
Be humble honors paid below,
And strains of nobler praise above.’Twas He that cleansed our foulest sins,
And washed us in His richest blood;
’Tis He that makes us priests and kings,
And brings us rebels near to God.To Jesus, our atoning Priest,
To Jesus, our superior King,
Be everlasting power confessed,
And every tongue His glory sing.Behold, on flying clouds He comes,
And every eye shall see Him move;
Though with our sins we pierced Him once,
Then He displays His pard’ning love.The unbelieving world shall wail,
While we rejoice to see the day:
Come, Lord; nor let Thy promise fail,
Nor let Thy chariots long delay.Play source: Cyberhymnal