Revelation 1:9-19
John at Patmos (Revelation 1:1; Revelation 1:9)
One Like a Son of Man (Revelation 1:10-20)
The Descent into Hades (Matthew 12:40; Acts 2:24;2:27;2:31; Revelation 1:18)
In many artworks depicting subjects from the Book of Revelation, John is shown observing or being part of scenes from the visions. To see images of these artworks, one may choose the various subjects sorting under Revelation. The current heading is for artworks focusing on the evangelist in a special way.
Evangelist St. John
St. John on Patmos
Evangelist St. John writing on the isle of Patmos, with his symbol the eagle, The
St. John on Patmos

Descent of Christ into the grave, The
St. John the Evangelist before a vision of Christ *
Vision of the seven candlesticks, The *
Vision of the appearance of the Son of Man, The

(54 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Revelation 1
A look at the texts connected to this subject, will show that the artists often, because of traditional elements, go beyond the texts in their depictions
Descent of Christ to Limbo
Descent into Limbo, The
Christ in Limbo
Christ in Limbo

(61 Pictures)
Related Topics:
Hell ;
Jesus and Beelzebub, Those Demanding Signs
Related Names:
Hades ;
Beelzebub ;
Jesus ;
Related Chapter:
Matthew 12 ;
Acts 2 ;
Revelation 1