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Revelation 11:2-3


courtyard <833> [the court.]

[leave out. Gr. cast out. it is.]

But ...................... and ....... holy .... forty-two <2532 40> [and the.]

they will trample <3961> [tread.]

forty-two <5062> [forty.]


I will grant my <1325 3450> [I will give power, etc. or, I will give unto my two witnesses, that they may prophesy.]

two ....... 1,260 <1417 1250> [two.]

witnesses <3144> [witnesses.]

to prophesy <4395> [they shall.]

1,260 <5507> [a thousand.]

dressed <4016> [clothed.]

Revelation 11:18


nations <1484> [the nations.]

but your ..... and ............ and ........ to your ............. and ...... your ..... and ... and <2532 4675> [and thy.]

but ...... and ... time .......... and ..................... and .......... and ... and <2532 2540> [and the time.]

but ...... and ............ and ...... to give ............... and .......... and ... and <2532 1325> [and that.]

but ...... and ............ and ..................... and ..... revere ...... and ... and <2532 5399> [and them.]

to give ............................... to destroy .... destroy <1325 1311> [shouldest.]

to destroy .... destroy <1311> [which destroy. or, which corrupt.]

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