Revelation 12:2
The Woman and the Dragon (Revelation 12)
There are many artworks depicting Michael fighting the Devil. Many of them have a composition that suggest a formal portrait rather than scene of Revelation 12. These artworks belong to the subjects "Fighting Devils" or "Portraits of Michael". Portraits showing the Virgin with the elements mentioned in Revelation 12:1, normally belong to the portraits section.
St. John on Patmos
St. Michael and the Devil
Great red Dragon and the Woman clothed with the sun, The
Great red Dragon and the Woman clothed with the sun, The: "The Devil is come down"

(143 Pictures)
Related Topics:
The Angel Marriages, the Rebel Angels ;
The Fall of the King of Babylon
Related Names:
Angel ;
Angels ;
Related Chapter:
Revelation 12
Exodus 1:16
The Israelites Oppressed (Exodus 1)
Foremen of the Israelites are scourged by the Egyptian overseers, The
Israelites are forced to hard labour in Egypt, The
Shiphrah and Puah allow Israelite children to be born
Jews forced into slavery

Matthew 2:3-16
The Magi and Herod (Matthew 2:2-8)
The Star and the Journey (Matthew 2:1; Matthew 2:9)
The Adoration of the Magi (Matthew 2:11)
Dream and Return (Matthew 2:12)
Joseph Warned by the Angel (Matthew 2:13)
The Flight into Egypt (Matthew 2:14; Matthew 2:19-22)
The Massacre of the Innocents (Matthew 2:16)
Adoration of the Magi, The
Wise men visit Herod, The
Arrival of the Magi, The
Wise men asking Herod about the king

Visit of the wise men, The
Adoration of the Magi, The
Star in the east, The
Magi, The

(75 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Matthew 2
Adoration of the Christ-child by the Magi, The
Adoration of the Magi
Adoration of the Magi
Adoration of the Magi

Dream of the Magi, The
Return of the Magi, The
Dream of the Magi
(3 Pictures)
Related Chapter:
Matthew 2
Angel tells Joseph to flee to Egypt, An
Announcement to Joseph, The
Angel appearing to Joseph in a dream, The
Angel appearing to Joseph in his dream, The

The artworks depicting the flight into Egypt often contain legendary elements
Butcher's stall with the flight into Egypt
Flight into Egypt, The
Landscape with the holy family
Rest on the flight into Egypt, The

Massacre of the innocents, The
Massacre of the innocents
Massacre of the innocents
Massacre of the innocents, The

(105 Pictures)
Related Topics:
The Flight into Egypt
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
Matthew 2
John 8:44
In the Temple, Children of Abraham (John 8:31-58)
Children of Abraham (John 8:31-58)
He who belongs to God hears what God says
Slavery of sin, The
Jesus preaches the damnation of unbelievers
Strong refutation of the Jews, and their attempts against Jesus, The

We are descendants of Abraham *
Before Abraham was I am
(2 Pictures)
Related Topics:
Before Abraham ;
In the Temple, Children of Abraham
Related Names:
Related Chapter:
John 8
John 8:1
There is no Arts related to this verses.John 5:8
At Bethesda (John 5:1-15)
Christ orders a paralytic man to rise and take up his pallet. The man walks away.
Healing the invalid at the pool
Christ and the paralytic
Pool of Bethesda, The