Revelation 20:9-10
They went up <305> [went.]
and encircled ....... and ..... but ....... and <2532 2944> [and compassed.]
camp <3925> [the camp.]
and ........ and ..... but fire ...... and <2532 4442> [and fire.]
11:5 13:13 Ge 19:24 Ex 9:23,24 Le 10:2,3 Nu 11:1 16:35
2Ki 1:10-15 Ps 97:3 106:18 Isa 30:33 37:36 Eze 38:22 39:6
Lu 9:54 17:29 2Th 1:8 [All]
devil <1228> [the devil.]
lake <3041> [the lake.]
they will be tormented <928> [tormented.]