Revelation 22:1-3
Context22:1 Then 1 the angel 2 showed me the river of the water of life – water as clear as crystal – pouring out 3 from the throne of God and of the Lamb, 22:2 flowing down the middle of the city’s 4 main street. 5 On each side 6 of the river is the tree of life producing twelve kinds 7 of fruit, yielding its fruit every month of the year. 8 Its leaves are for the healing of the nations. 22:3 And there will no longer be any curse, 9 and the throne of God and the Lamb will be in the city. 10 His 11 servants 12 will worship 13 him,

[22:1] 1 tn Here καί (kai) has been translated as “then” to indicate the implied sequence within the narrative.
[22:1] 2 tn Grk “he”; the referent (the angel mentioned in 21:9, 15) has been specified in the translation for clarity.
[22:1] 3 tn Grk “proceeding.” Water is more naturally thought to pour out or flow out in English idiom.
[22:2] 4 tn Grk “its”; the referent (the city, the new Jerusalem) has been specified in the translation for clarity.
[22:2] 5 tn The Greek word πλατεῖα (plateia) refers to a major (broad) street (L&N 1.103).
[22:2] 6 tn Grk “From here and from there.”
[22:2] 7 tn Or “twelve crops” (one for each month of the year).
[22:2] 8 tn The words “of the year” are implied.
[22:3] 7 tn Or “be anything accursed” (L&N 33.474).
[22:3] 8 tn Grk “in it”; the referent (the city, the new Jerusalem) has been specified in the translation for clarity.
[22:3] 9 tn Grk “city, and his.” Although this is a continuation of the previous sentence in Greek, a new sentence was started here in the translation because of the introduction of the Lamb’s followers.