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Romans 12:1--13:14

12:1 parakalwumav adelfoidia twnoiktirmwn touyeou parasthsaiswmata umwnyusian zwsantw yeweuareston thnlogikhn latreianumwn

12:2 kaimh suschmatizesyeaiwni toutwalla metamorfousyeanakainwsei tounoov eivto dokimazeinti toyelhma touyeou toagayon kaieuareston kaiteleion

12:3 legwdia thvcaritov thvdoyeishv pantitw ontiumin mhuperfronein odei froneinto swfroneinwv oyeov emerisenpistewv

12:4 kayapergar eneni swmatipolla melhecomen demelh pantaou thnauthn ecei

12:5 outwvoi polloien swmaesmen cristwto dekay eivallhlwn melh

12:6 econtevcarismata katathn carinthn doyeisandiafora eiteprofhteian katathn analogianthv pistewv

12:7 eitediakonian enth diakoniaeite odidaskwn thdidaskalia

12:8 eiteo parakalwnth paraklhseio metadidouvaplothti oproistamenov spoudho elewnilarothti

12:9 hanupokritov apostugountevponhron kollwmenoiagayw

12:10 thfiladelfia eivallhlouv filostorgoith timhallhlouv prohgoumenoi <4285> (5740)

12:11 thspoudh mhoknhroi twpneumati zeontevkuriw douleuontev <1398> (5723)

12:12 thelpidi cairontevyliqei upomenontevproseuch proskarterountev <4342> (5723)

12:13 taivcreiaiv twnagiwn koinwnountevfiloxenian diwkontev <1377> (5723)

12:14 eulogeitediwkontav mhkatarasye <2672> (5737)

12:15 caireincairontwn klaiontwn <2799> (5723)

12:16 toauto eivallhlouv fronountevta uqhlafronountev toivtapeinoiv sunapagomenoiginesye pareautoiv

12:17 mhdenikakon antikakou apodidontevenwpion pantwnanyrwpwn

12:18 eidunaton toex umwnmeta pantwnanyrwpwn eirhneuontev <1514> (5723)

12:19 mheautouv ekdikountevalla doteth orghgegraptai emoiekdikhsiv egwantapodwsw

12:20 allaean peinaecyrov souqwmize eandiqa toutogar poiwnpurov swreuseivthn kefalhnautou

12:21 mhnikw toukakou allanika twagayw tokakon

13:1 pasaquch exousiaivuperecousaiv garestin eimh upoyeou aide ousaiyeou tetagmenai <5021> (5772) eisin <1510> (5748)

13:2 wsteo antitassomenovexousia thtou yeoudiatagh anyesthkende anyesthkotevkrima lhmqontai <2983> (5695)

13:3 oigar arcontevouk eisintw agaywergw allatw kakwyeleiv mhfobeisyai exousianto agayonpoiei exeivex authv

13:4 yeougar diakonovestin eivto agayonean deto kakonpoihv gareikh thnmacairan foreigar diakonovestin eivorghn twto kakonprassonti <4238> (5723)

13:5 dioanagkh upotassesyaimonon diathn orghnalla kaidia thnsuneidhsin

13:6 diatouto garkai forouvteleite garyeou eisinauto toutoproskarterountev <4342> (5723)

13:7 apodotetav ofeilavtw tonforon tonforon twto telovto telovtw tonfobon tonfobon twthn timhnthn timhn

13:8 mhdenimhden ofeiletemh toallhlouv agapangar agapwneteron nomonpeplhrwken <4137> (5758)

13:9 togar oumoiceuseiv foneuseivkleqeiv epiyumhseivei tivetera entolhen twlogw toutwanakefalaioutai tw] agaphseivplhsion souwv seauton

13:10 hagaph twplhsion kakonouk ergazetaioun nomouh agaph

13:11 kaitouto eidotevkairon otiwra hdhumav exupnou egeryhnaigar egguteronhmwn hswthria hote episteusamen <4100> (5656)

13:12 hnux proekoqende hmerahggiken taerga touskotouv enduswmeyata oplatou fwtov

13:13 wven hmeraeuschmonwv peripathswmenkwmoiv kaimeyaiv mhkoitaiv kaiaselgeiaiv mheridi kaizhlw

13:14 allaendusasye kurionihsoun cristonkai thvsarkov pronoianmh poieisyeepiyumiav

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