Romans 5:9-17
have ... been declared righteous <1344> [being.]
we will be saved <4982> [we shall.]
<5607> [when.]
we were reconciled ............... have been reconciled <2644> [reconciled.]
will we be saved <4982> [we shall.]
but ... also <235 2532> [but we.]
through ...... through whom <1223 3739> [by whom.]
reconciliation <2643> [atonement. or, reconciliation.]
<891> [until.]
sin ...... but ...... for sin <266 1161> [but sin.]
death <2288> [death.]
even <2532> [even.]
who .... type <3739 2076 5179> [who is the figure.]
Or "type (pattern, or resemblance, [tupos <\\See definition 5179\\>,]) of him who was to come," i.e., THE MESSIAH. Mr. Baxter remarks, It is indeed interesting to compare, on Scripture authority, Adam as the root of sin and death to all, with CHRIST, who is to all true Christians the root of holiness and life.
But ...... not <235 3756> [But not.]
many ........... much ....................... many <4183> [many.]
many ........... much ....................... many <4183> [much.]
and ... gift <2532 1431> [and the gift.]
multiply <4052> [hath.]
For judgment <1063 2917> [for the.]
but ... gracious gift <1161 5486> [but the free.]
transgression .... one man .... through ... one ...................... through ... one <1520 3900 1223> [by one man's offence. or, by one offence. abundance.]
gift <1431> [gift.]
reigned ...................... reign <936> [shall reign.]