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Romans 7:1--8:4

7:1 hagnoeite ginwskousinnomon lalwo nomovkurieuei anyrwpouef osoncronon zh <2198> (5719)

7:2 hgar upandrovgunh twzwnti dedetaiean deapoyanh anhrkathrghtai tounomou touandrov

7:3 araoun zwntovandrov moicalivcrhmatisei genhtaieterw eande apoyanhanhr eleuyeraestin tounomou toumh einaimoicalida genomenhneterw

7:4 wsteadelfoi moukai umeiveyanatwyhte nomwdia touswmatov toucristou eivto genesyaieterw twek nekrwnegeryenti karpoforhswmenyew

7:5 otegar hmenth sarkita payhmatatwn amartiwnta diatou nomouenhrgeito toivmelesin hmwneiv tokarpoforhsai yanatw

7:6 nunide kathrghyhmentou nomouapoyanontev wkateicomeya douleueinen kainothtipneumatov kaiou palaiothtigrammatov

7:7 tioun eroumennomov amartiamh genoitothn amartianouk egnwnmh dianomou thnte garepiyumian oukhdein mho nomovelegen epiyumhseiv <1937> (5692)

7:8 aformhnde labousaamartia diathv entolhvkateirgasato emoipasan epiyumiancwriv garnomou amartianekra

7:9 egwde ezwnnomou poteelyoushv thventolhv hamartia anezhsende apeyanon <599> (5627)

7:10 kaieureyh hentolh heiv zwhnauth eivyanaton

7:11 hgar amartiaaformhn labousathv entolhvexhpathsen kaidi authvapekteinen <615> (5656)

7:12 wsteo mennomov agiovkai hentolh agiakai dikaiakai agayh

7:13 tooun agayonemoi egenetomh genoitoh amartiaina fanhdia touagayou moikatergazomenh inagenhtai uperbolhnamartwlov hamartia diathv entolhv

7:14 oidamenoti onomov pneumatikovestin desarkinov eimithn amartian

7:15 ogar katergazomaiginwskw garo yelwprassw omisw poiw <4160> (5719)

7:16 eide oou yelwpoiw nomwoti kalov

7:17 nunide ouketiegw katergazomaialla henoikousa emoiamartia

7:18 oidaoti oukoikei emoitout estinth sarkimou agayonto garyelein tode katergazesyaikalon ou

7:19 ougar oyelw allao ouyelw toutoprassw <4238> (5719)

7:20 eide oou yelwpoiw egwkatergazomai allah oikousaemoi amartia

7:21 euriskwton nomontw yelontipoiein kalonoti emoito kakonparakeitai <3873> (5736)

7:22 sunhdomaitw nomwtou yeoukata tonesw anyrwpon

7:23 blepweteron nomonen toivmelesin mouantistrateuomenon nomwtou noovmou kaiaicmalwtizonta [en] twnomw thvamartiav twonti toivmelesin mou

7:24 talaipwrovegw anyrwpovtiv merusetai touswmatov touyanatou toutou

7:25 cariv[de] twyew diaihsou cristoutou kuriouhmwn araoun autovegw twmen noidouleuw yeouth desarki nomwamartiav

8:1 oudenara nunkatakrima toiven cristwihsou

8:2 ogar nomovtou pneumatovthv zwhven cristwihsou hleuyerwsenapo tounomou thvamartiav kaitou yanatou

8:3 togar adunatontou nomouen whsyenei thvsarkov oyeov toneautou uionpemqav omoiwmatisarkov amartiavkai periamartiav katekrinenamartian enth sarki

8:4 inato dikaiwmatou nomouplhrwyh hmintoiv mhkata sarkaperipatousin katapneuma

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