NETBible KJV GRK-HEB XRef Names Arts Hymns

Romans 8:4

8:4 inato dikaiwmatou nomouplhrwyh hmintoiv mhkata sarkaperipatousin katapneuma

Romans 13:10

13:10 hagaph twplhsion kakonouk ergazetaioun nomouh agaph

Matthew 3:15

3:15 apokriyeivo ihsouveipen afevoutwv garprepon plhrwsaidikaiosunhn toteafihsin

Matthew 5:17-20

5:17 mhnomishte hlyonnomon htouv profhtavouk hlyonplhrwsai <4137> (5658)

5:18 amhngar legwewv anparelyh ouranovkai hgh iwtaen hmia keraiaou mhparelyh tounomou ewv[an] pantagenhtai <1096> (5638)

5:19 ovean ounlush twnentolwn toutwntwn elacistwnkai didaxhtouv anyrwpouvelacistov klhyhsetaith basileiatwn ouranwnov dan poihshdidaxh megavklhyhsetai thbasileia twnouranwn

5:20 legwumin otiean mhperisseush hdikaiosunh pleiontwn grammatewnkai farisaiwnou mheiselyhte thnbasileian twnouranwn

Acts 13:22

13:22 kaimetasthsav hgeirendauid autoiveiv basileaw kaieipen tontou iessai[andra] katathn kardianmou ovpoihsei tayelhmata mou

Galatians 5:14

5:14 ogar pavnomov eneni logwpeplhrwtai twagaphseiv plhsionsou wvseauton

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