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Ruth 3:15


shawl <04304> [vail. or sheet, or apron.]

The word {mitpachath} has been variously rendered. The LXX. translate it [ ,] an apron, and Vulgate, {pallium,} a cloak. By the circumstances of the story, it must have been of a considerable size; and accordingly Dr. Shaw thinks it was no other than the {hyke,} the finer sort of which, such as are still worn by ladies and persons of distinction among the Arabs, he takes to answer to the [ ,] or robe, of the ancient Greeks.

measured out <04058> [he measured.]

sixty .... barley <08337 08184> [six measures.]

The quantity of this barley is uncertain. The Targum renders it, {shith sein,} "six {seahs."} A {seah} contained about two gallons and a half, six of which must have been a very heavy load for a woman, and so the Targumist thought, for he adds, "And she received strength from the Lord to carry it."

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