Kidung Jemaat
Isaiah 21:11-12
Sekawanan yang Esa [KJ.272]
1. Sekawanan yang esa dan Gembala satu jua,
bumi pun sejahtera, bila tiba hari Tuhan.
Bangkit dalam fajarNya: Yesus datang segera!
Yoh 10:16
2. Hai pengawal, tengoklah: masih jauhkah siang hari?
Hari Tuhan merekah; nanti tiada malam lagi!
Bangsa-bangsa, yakinlah: Yesus datang segera!
Yes 21:11-12
3. Tuhan, halaulah gelap, gembalakan kawananMu,
banyak domba tersesat dar Dikau dan UmatMu.
Umat Tuhan, tabahlah: Yesus datang segera!
Mzm 28:9
Yes 40:11
Yeh 34
Mi 7:14
4. Kabut hilang melenyap oleh fajar Hari Tuhan.
Akan Sumber Alhayat orang harus merindukan.
Pagi makin mencerah: Yesus datang segera!
1 Yoh 2:8
Why 7:17
Why 22:17
5. Isi kubur, siaplah bagi Raja Kebangkitan:
Hari KemuliaanNya di atasmu diterbitkan.
Tunggulah panggilanNya: Yesus datang segera!6. Hari Tuhan mulia! Yesus Kristus, Kaulah Surya,
Kau beri sejahtera dan bahagia sempurna.
Maranata, marilah, Yesus datang segera!Mal 4:2
Luk 1:78-79
Yoh 8:12
1 Kor 16:22
Isaiah 52:8
Bangunlah! Dengar Suara [KJ.276]
1. "Bangunlah!", dengar suara memanggil tinggi di menara,
"Yerusalem, hai bangunlah!" Bergema suara lantang pertanda
sudah larut malam: "Hai para put'ri, jagalah! T'lah datang
Mempelai; pelita ambillah! Haleluya! Bersiaplah ke pestaNya
dan sambut Dia segera!"
Yes 52:1-9
Yes 60:1-3
Mat 25:1-13
2. Sion sangat bergembira ketika mendengar berita; terbangun Dia
segera. Yang dinanti sudah datang, penuh karunia, kebenaran:
cahaya fajar merekah. Pangeran mulia, ya Yesus marilah! Hosiana!
Semuanya ikut serta perjamuan bahagia.
Yoh 1:14
Why 22:20
Why 19:7
3. Gloria! Mari bernyanyi teriring gambus dan kecapi, malaikat dan
manusia! Ada duab'las gapura terbuat dari mutiara di kota suci
mulia. Di manakah pernah tempat bahagia yang setara?
Bersoraklah, haleluya sekarang dan selamanya!Why 14:2-3
Why 15:2-4
Why 21:2, 9-14
Isaiah 21:11-12
[Isa 21:11] Lift Up Thine Eyes, O Watchman
Lift up thine eyes, O watchman, the armies of the Lord
Are riding forth to conquest with buckler, shield and sword;
Glad tidings unto Zion, that valiant host shall ring,
And shout aloud, “Hosanna! The Lord, the Lord is King”;
And shout aloud, “Hosanna! The Lord, the Lord is King.”What dost thou see, O watchman? What dost thou see afar?
“The gleaming of a banner, the rising of a Star.”
Then cry aloud, O watchman, with trumpet voice proclaim,
To all a full salvation, through Christ, the Savior’s Name,
To all a full salvation, through Christ, the Savior’s Name.That radiant banner gleaming, that Star divinely bright,
Shall bear to every nation the blessèd Gospel light;
All kingdoms, crowns, and scepters, before the Cross shall fall,
And Christ shall reign triumphant, the King and Lord of all;
And Christ shall reign triumphant, the King and Lord of all.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 21:11] Watchman, Tell Me
Watchman, tell me, does the morning
Of fair Zion’s glory dawn;
Have the signs that mark His coming
Yet upon my pathway shone?
Pilgrim, yes, arise, look round thee,
Light is breaking in the skies;
Spurn the unbelief that bound thee,
Morning dawns, arise, arise!See the glorious light ascending
Of the grand Sabbatic year,
Hark! the voices loud proclaiming
The Messiah’s kingdom near;
Watchman, yes; I see just yonder,
Canaan’s glorious heights arise;
Salem, too, appears in grandeur,
Tow’ring ’neath her sunlit skies.Pilgrim, in that golden city,
Seated in the jasper throne,
Zion’s King, arrayed in beauty,
Reigns in peace from zone to zone;
There, on verdant hills and mountains,
Where the golden sunbeams play,
Purling streams, and crystal fountains,
Sparkle in th’eternal day.Pilgrim, see, the light is beaming
Brighter still upon thy way;
Signs through all the earth are gleaming,
Omens of thy coming day,
When the last loud trumpet sounding,
Shall awake from earth and sea,
All the saints of God now sleeping,
Clad in immortality!Watchman, lo, the land we’re nearing
With its vernal fruits and flowers!
On just yonder, O how cheering!
Bloom forever Eden flowers.
Hark, the choral strains are ringing,
Wafted on the balmy air!
See the millions! hear their singing!
Soon the pilgrims will be there.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 21:11] Watchman, Tell Us Of The Night
Watchman, tell us of the night,
What its signs of promise are.
Traveler, o’er yon mountain’s height,
See that glory beaming star.
Watchman, does its beauteous ray
Aught of joy or hope foretell?
Traveler, yes—it brings the day,
Promised day of Israel.Watchman, tell us of the night;
Higher yet that star ascends.
Traveler, blessedness and light,
Peace and truth its course portends.
Watchman, will its beams alone
Gild the spot that gave them birth?
Traveler, ages are its own;
See, it bursts o’er all the earth.Watchman, tell us of the night,
For the morning seems to dawn.
Traveler, darkness takes its flight,
Doubt and terror are withdrawn.
Watchman, let thy wanderings cease;
Hie thee to thy quiet home.
Traveler, lo! the Prince of Peace,
Lo! the Son of God is come!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 21:11] Watchmen On The Walls Of Zion
Watchmen on the walls of Zion, what, O tell us, of the night?
Is the day-star now arising? Will the morn soon greet our sight?
O’er your vision shine there now some rays of light?
O’er your vision shine there now some rays of light?Tell, O tell us, are the landmarks on our voyage all passèd by?
Are we nearing now the haven? Can we e’en the land descry?
Do we truly see the heavenly kingdom nigh?
Do we truly see the heavenly kingdom nigh?Light is beaming, day is coming! Let us sound aloud the cry;
We behold the day-star rising, pure and bright in yonder sky!
Saints, be joyful; your redemption draweth nigh;
Saints, be joyful; your redemption draweth nigh.We have found the chart and compass, and are sure the land is near;
Onward, onward we are hasting; soon the haven will appear;
Let your voices sound aloud your holy cheer;
Let your voices sound aloud your holy cheer.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 21:12] Behold, The Dawn!
Behold, the dawn is breaking,
In splendor is breaking,
When all the earth awaking
At Jesus’ Name shall bow;
When He, who once our sorrow bore,
Shall reign supreme from shore to shore,
Triumphant now and evermore
Our coming King of Glory.Behold, the dawn is spreading,
In beauty is spreading:
The beams of love are shedding
The light of joy divine.
From Zion’s tower the watchmen cry,
Rejoice! rejoice! the time is nigh,
When we shall meet our Lord on high,
Our blessèd King of Glory.O dawn of rapture, telling
Where music is swelling
Within our Savior’s dwelling
Above the stars that shine;
Where we shall breathe the fragrant air
Of yonder clime, serene and fair,
And all His faithful ones shall wear
A promised crown of glory.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Isaiah 62:6
[Isa 62:6] Let Zion’s Watchmen All Awake
Let Zion’s watchmen all awake
And take th’alarm they give;
Now let them, from the mouth of God
Their awful charge receive.’Tis not a cause of small import
The pastor’s care demands;
But what might fill an angel’s heart
And filled a Savior’s hands.They watch for souls for which the Lord
Did heav’nly bliss forego;
Those that have tasted His rich grace,
And seek His will to know.All to the great tribunal haste
Th’account to render there;
And shouldst Thou strictly mark our faults
Lord, where should we appear?May that same Jesus, whom they preach,
Their own Redeemer be;
And watch Thou daily o’er their souls,
That they may watch for Thee.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Isa 62:6] Round The Sacred City Gather
Round the Sacred City gather
Egypt, Edom, Babylon;
All the warring hosts of error,
Sworn against her, move as one:
Vain the leaguer! her foundations
Are upon the holy hills,
And the love of the Eternal
All her stately temple fills.Get thee, watchman, to the rampart!
Gird thee, warrior, with thy sword!
Be ye strong as ye remember
That amidst you is the Lord:
Like the night mists from the valley,
These shall vanish one by one,
Egypt’s malice, Edom’s envy,
And the hate of Babylon.But be true, ye sons and daughters,
Lest the peril be within:
Watch to prayer, lest, while ye slumber,
Stealthy foemen enter in:
Safe the mother and the children,
In their will and love be strong,
While their loyal hearts go singing
Prayer and praise for battle song.Church of God! if we forget thee
Let His blessings fail our hand,
When our love shall not prefer thee
Let His love forget our land—
Nay! to thee shall we be steadfast,
Though the world’s foundations shake,
Love of thee is love for ever,
Love of thee for Jesus’ sake.Church of Christ! upon thy banner,
Lo, His passion’s awful sign;
By that seal of His redemption
Thou art His, and He is thine:
From the depth of His atonement
Flows thy sacramental tide:
From the height of His ascension
Flows the grace which is thy guide.God the Spirit dwells within thee,
His society divine,
His the living Word thou keepest,
His thy apostolic line.
Ancient prayer and song liturgic,
Creeds that change not to the end,
As His gift we have received them,
As His charge we will defend.Alleluia, alleluia,
To the Father, Spirit, Son,
In Whose will the Church at warfare
With the Church at rest is one;
So to Thee we sing in union,
God in earth and Heav’n adored,
Alleluia, alleluia,
Holy, holy, holy Lord.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Jeremiah 6:17
[Jer 6:17] Bugle Call
Hearken to the bugle call,
Let us rally one and all
In the ranks of our own Sunday School.Every Sunday of the year
We will all assemble here
In the ranks of our own Sunday School.We will many more invite
For the cause of truth and right
In the ranks of our own Sunday School.Here together we’ll be taught
From the precious word of God
In the ranks of our own Sunday School.Play source: Cyberhymnal
Jeremiah 31:6
[Jer 31:6] Arise! Arise, With Joy Survey
Arise! arise, with joy survey
The glory of the latter day;
Already is the dawn begun,
Which marks at hand a rising sun,
Which marks at hand a rising sun.“Behold the way!” ye heralds, cry;
Spare not, but lift your voices high;
Convey the sound from pole to pole,
“Glad tidings” to the captive soul,
“Glad tidings” to the captive soul.“Behold the way!” to Zion’s hill:
Where Israel’s God delights to dwell!
He fixes there His lofty throne,
And calls the sacred place His own,
And calls the sacred place His own.The north gives up—the south no more
Keeps back her consecrated store;
From east to west the message runs,
And either India yields her sons,
And either India yields her sons.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Jer 31:6] Marching To Zion
Come, we that love the Lord,
And let our joys be known;
Join in a song with sweet accord,
Join in a song with sweet accord
And thus surround the throne,
And thus surround the throne.Refrain
We’re marching to Zion,
Beautiful, beautiful Zion;
We’re marching upward to Zion,
The beautiful city of God.The sorrows of the mind
Be banished from the place;
Religion never was designed
Religion never was designed,
To make our pleasures less,
To make our pleasures less.Refrain
Let those refuse to sing,
Who never knew our God;
But favorites of the heavenly King,
But favorites of the heavenly King
May speak their joys abroad,
May speak their joys abroad.Refrain
The God that rules on high,
And thunders when He please,
Who rides upon the stormy sky,
Who rides upon the stormy sky,
And manages the seas,
And manages the seas.Refrain
This awful God is ours,
Our Father and our Love;
He will send down his heav’nly powers,
He will send down his heav’nly powers,
To carry us above,
To carry us above.Refrain
There we shall see His face,
And never, never sin!
There, from the rivers of His grace,
There, from the rivers of His grace,
Drink endless pleasures in,
Drink endless pleasures in.Refrain
Yea, and before we rise,
To that immortal state,
The thoughts of such amazing bliss,
The thoughts of such amazing bliss,
Should constant joys create,
Should constant joys create.Refrain
The men of grace have found,
Glory begun below.
Celestial fruits on earthly ground
Celestial fruits on earthly ground
From faith and hope may grow,
From faith and hope may grow.Refrain
The hill of Zion yields
A thousand sacred sweets
Before we reach the heav’nly fields,
Before we reach the heav’nly fields,
Or walk the golden streets,
Or walk the golden streets.Refrain
Then let our songs abound,
And every tear be dry;
We’re marching through Immanuel’s ground,
We’re marching through Immanuel’s ground,
To fairer worlds on high,
To fairer worlds on high.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal