Kidung Jemaat
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The Song of Songs 2:8
[Sos 2:8] His Voice, As The Sound Of The Dulcimer Sweet
His voice, as the sound of the dulcimer sweet, is heard through the shadows of death;
The cedars of Lebanon bow at His feet, the air is perfumed with His breath.
His lips as the fountain of righteousness flow, that waters the garden of grace,
From which their salvation the Gentiles shall know, and bask in the smiles of His face.O! Thou in Whose presence my soul takes delight, on Whom in affliction I call;
My Comfort by day, and my Song in the night, my Hope, my Salvation, my All—
Where dost Thou at noontide resort with Thy sheep, to feed on the pastures of love?
Say, why in the valley of death should I weep, or ’lone in the wilderness rove?O! why should I wander an alien from thee, and cry in the desert for bread?
Thy foes will rejoice when my sorrows they see, and smile at the tears I have shed.
Ye daughters of Zion, declare, have you seen the Star that on Israel shone?
Say if in your tents my Belovèd hath been, and where, with His flock, is He gone?“What is thy Belovèd, thou dignified fair? What excellent beauties hath He?
His charms and perfections be pleased to declare, that we may embrace Him with thee.”
This is my Belovèd, His form is divine; His vestments shed odor around;
The locks on His head are as grapes on the vine, when autumn with plenty is crowned.The roses of Sharon, the lilies that grow in the vales, on the banks of the streams
On His cheeks in the beauty of excellence blow; His eyes are as quivers of beams.
His voice as the sound of the dulcimer sweet is heard through the shadows of death;
The cedars of Lebanon bow at His feet, the air is perfumed with His breath.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Sos 2:8] There’s A Light Upon The Mountains
There’s a light upon the mountains,
And the day is at the spring,
When our eyes shall see the beauty
And the glory of the King:
Weary was our heart with waiting,
And the night watch seemed so long,
But His triumph day is breaking
And we hail it with a song.In the fading of the starlight
We may see the coming morn;
And the lights of men are paling
In the splendors of the dawn;
For the eastern skies are glowing
As with light of hidden fire,
And the hearts of men are stirring
With the throbs of deep desire.There’s a hush of expectation
And a quiet in the air
And the breath of God is moving
In the fervent breath of prayer;
For the suffering, dying Jesus
Is the Christ upon the throne,
And the travail of our spirit
Is the travail of His own.He is breaking down the barriers,
He is casting up the way;
He is calling for His angels
To build up the gates of day:
But His angels here are human,
Not the shining hosts above;
For the drum beats of His army
Are the heartbeats of our love.Hark! we hear a distant music
And it comes with fuller swell;
’Tis the triumph song of Jesus,
Of our King, Immanuel!
Go ye forth with joy to meet Him!
And, my soul, be swift to bring
All thy sweetest and thy dearest
For the triumph of our King!Play source: Cyberhymnal
The Song of Songs 1:3
[Sos 1:3] How Sweet The Name Of Jesus Sounds
How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds
In a believer’s ear!
It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds,
And drives away his fear.It makes the wounded spirit whole,
And calms the troubled breast;
’Tis manna to the hungry soul,
And to the weary, rest.Dear Name, the Rock on which I build,
My Shield and Hiding Place,
My never failing treasury, filled
With boundless stores of grace!By Thee my prayers acceptance gain,
Although with sin defiled;
Satan accuses me in vain,
And I am owned a child.Jesus! my Shepherd, Husband, Friend,
O Prophet, Priest and King,
My Lord, my Life, my Way, my End,
Accept the praise I bring.Weak is the effort of my heart,
And cold my warmest thought;
But when I see Thee as Thou art,
I’ll praise Thee as I ought.Till then I would Thy love proclaim
With every fleeting breath,
And may the music of Thy Name
Refresh my soul in death!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Sos 1:3] Jesu, The Virgins’ Crown
Jesu, the virgins’ Crown, do Thou
Accept us as in prayer we bow,
Born of that virgin whom alone
The mother and the maid we own.Amongst the lilies Thou dost feed,
And thither choirs of virgins lead,
Adorning all Thy chosen brides
With glorious gifts Thy love provides.And whither, Lord, Thy footsteps wend,
The virgins still with praise attend;
For Thee they pour their sweetest song,
And after Thee rejoicing throng.O gracious Lord, we Thee implore
Thy grace on every sense to pour;
From all pollution keep us free,
And make us pure in heart for Thee.All praise to God the Father be,
All praise, Eternal Son, to Thee,
Whom with the Spirit we adore
For ever and for evermore.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Sos 1:3] Jesus Is The Sweetest Name I Know
There have been names that I have loved to hear,
But never has there been a name so dear
To this heart of mine, as the Name divine,
The precious, precious Name of Jesus.Refrain
Jesus is the sweetest name I know,
And He’s just the same as His lovely Name,
And that’s the reason why I love Him so;
Oh, Jesus is the sweetest name I know.There is no name in earth or Heav’n above,
That we should give such honor and such love
As the blessèd Name, let us all acclaim,
That wondrous, glorious Name of Jesus.Refrain
And some day I shall see Him face to face
To thank and praise Him for His wondrous grace,
Which He gave to me, when He made me free,
The blessèd Son of God called Jesus.Refrain
Play source: Cyberhymnal
Jeremiah 31:3
[Jer 31:3] Awake, My Soul, To Joyful Lays
Awake, my soul, to joyful lays,
And sing thy great Redeemer’s praise;
He justly claims a song from me -
His lovingkindness, O how free!
Lovingkindness, lovingkindness,
His lovingkindness, O how free!He saw me ruined in the fall,
Yet loved me notwithstanding all;
He saved me from my lost estate -
His lovingkindness, O how great!
Lovingkindness, lovingkindness,
His lovingkindness, O how great!Though numerous hosts of mighty foes,
Though earth and hell my way oppose,
He safely leads my soul along -
His lovingkindness, O how strong!
Lovingkindness, lovingkindness,
His lovingkindness, O how strong!When trouble, like a gloomy cloud,
Has gathered thick and thundered loud,
He near my soul has always stood -
His lovingkindness, O how good!
Lovingkindness, lovingkindness,
His lovingkindness, O how good!Often I feel my sinful heart
Prone from my Jesus to depart;
But though I have him oft forgot,
His lovingkindness changes not.
Lovingkindness, lovingkindness,
His lovingkindness changes not.Soon I shall pass the gloomy vale,
Soon all my mortal powers must fail;
O! may my last expiring breath
His lovingkindness sing in death.
Lovingkindness, lovingkindness,
His lovingkindness sing in death.Then let me mount and soar away
To the bright world of endless day;
And sing with raptures and surprise,
His lovingkindness in the skies.
Lovingkindness, lovingkindness,
His lovingkindness in the skies.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Jer 31:3] Come, Ye Disconsolate
Come, ye disconsolate, where’er ye languish,
Come to the mercy seat, fervently kneel.
Here bring your wounded hearts, here tell your anguish;
Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.Joy of the desolate, light of the straying,
Hope of the penitent, fadeless and pure!
Here speaks the Comforter, tenderly saying,
“Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot cure.”Here see the Bread of Life, see waters flowing
Forth from the throne of God, pure from above.
Come to the feast of love; come, ever knowing
Earth has no sorrow but heaven can remove.Come, ye disconsolate, where’er ye languish,
Come, at the shrine of God fervently kneel;
Here bring your wounded hearts; here tell your anguish;
Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.Joy of the desolate, light of the straying,
Hope when all others die, fadeless and pure;
Here speaks the Comforter, in God’s name saying,
“Earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot cure.”Come, ask the infidel what boon he brings us,
What charm for aching hearts he can reveal,
Sweet is that heavenly promise Hope sings us—
“Earth has no sorrow that God cannot heal.”Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Jer 31:3] Father, Whose Everlasting Love
Father, whose everlasting love
Thy only Son for sinners gave,
Whose grace to all did freely move,
And sent Him down the world to save;Help us Thy mercy to extol,
Immense, unfathomed, unconfined;
To praise the Lamb who died for all,
The general Savior of mankind.Thy undistinguishing regard
Was cast on Adam’s fallen race;
For all Thou hast in Christ prepared
Sufficient, sovereign, saving grace.The world He suffered to redeem;
For all He hath the atonement made;
For those that will not come to Him
The ransom of His life was paid.Why then, Thou universal Love,
Should any of Thy grace despair?
To all, to all, Thy bowels move,
But straitened in our own we are.Arise, O God, maintain Thy cause!
The fullness of the Gentiles call;
Lift up the standard of Thy cross,
And all shall own Thou diedst for all.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Jer 31:3] Hark, My Soul, It Is The Lord!
Hark, my soul, it is the Lord!
’Tis thy Savior, hear His Word;
Jesus speaks, and speaks to thee,
“Say, poor, sinner, lovest thou Me?”“I delivered thee when bound,
And, when bleeding, healed thy wound;
Sought thee wandering, set thee right,
Turned thy darkness into light.“Can a woman’s tender care
Cease toward the child she bare?
Yes, she may forgetful be,
Yet will I remember thee.“Mine is an unchanging love,
Higher than the heights above,
Deeper than the depths beneath,
Free and faithful, strong as death.“Thou shalt see My glory soon,
When the work of grace is done;
Partner of My throne shalt be:
Say, poor sinner, lovest thou Me?”Lord, it is my chief complaint
That my love is weak and faint;
Yet I love Thee, and adore:
O for grace to love Thee more!Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Jer 31:3] Jesu, Thy Mercies Are Untold
Jesu, Thy mercies are untold
Through each returning day;
Thy love exceeds a thousandfold
Whatever we can say.That love which in Thy passion drained
For us Thy precious blood;
That love whereby the saints have gained
The vision of their God.’Tis Thou hast loved us from the womb,
Pure Source of all our bliss,
Our only hope of life to come,
Our happiness in this.Lord, grant us, while on earth we stay,
Thy love to feel and know;
And, when from hence we pass away,
To us Thy glory show.Play source: Cyberhymnal -
[Jer 31:3] Thy Ceaseless, Unexhausted Love
Thy ceaseless, unexhausted love,
Unmerited and free,
Delights our evil to remove,
And help our misery.Thou waitest to be gracious still;
Thou dost with sinners bear,
That, saved, we may Thy goodness feel,
And all Thy grace declare.Thy goodness and Thy truth to me
To every soul, abound,
A vast, unfathomable sea,
Where all our thoughts are drowned.Its streams the whole creation reach,
So plenteous is the store,
Enough for all, enough for each,
Enough for evermore.Faithful, O Lord, Thy mercies are!
A rock that cannot move;
A thousand promises declare
Thy constancy of love.Throughout the universe it reigns,
Unalterably sure;
And while the truth of God remains,
The goodness must endure.Play source: Cyberhymnal