: a son of Jesse of Judah; king of Israel,son of Jesse of Judah; king of Israel
: a false god of the Phoenicians and Syrians (32° 31´, 35° 12´)
: a false god of the Phoenicians and Syrians (32° 31´, 35° 12´)
: the capital city of Israel,a town; the capital of Israel near the southern border of Benjamin (31° 46´, 35° 14´);
(31° 46´, 35° 14´);
(31° 46´, 35° 14´);
(31° 46´, 35° 14´);
(31° 46´, 35° 14´);
(31° 46´, 35° 14´)
: a town and a plain of Manasseh (32° 35´, 35° 10´)
: a son of David; the father of Mattatha; an ancestor of Jesus.,son of David and Bathsheba,brother of Joel in David's army; a prophet,father of Igal, one of David's military elite; a man from Zobah,father of Azariah and Zabud, priestly officials of King Solomon,son of Attai of Judah,brother of Joel, one of David's military elite,one of the leaders Ezra sent to Iddo to ask for recruits,a layman of the Binnui Clan who put away his heathen wife