Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  1 Kings >  Exposition >  II. THE DIVIDED KINGDOM 1 Kings 12--2 Kings 17 >  A. The First Period of Antagonism 12:1-16:28 >  2. Jeroboam's evil reign in Israel 12:25-14:20 > 
The prophecy of judgment on Jeroboam's religious system 13:1-32 
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God sent a young Judahite prophet to Bethel to announce a prophecy that God would judge Jeroboam for his apostasy. When he arrived, the king was exercising his priestly function at the Bethel altar (v. 1). The prophet predicted Josiah by name 290 years before he became king of Judah (v. 2; cf. Isa. 44:28; 45:1). God fulfilled this prophecy when Josiah destroyed Jeroboam's religious system (2 Kings 23:15-20).

The sign God gave was a miracle designed to prove the truthfulness of the prophecy to those who heard it (v. 3). According to the Mosaic Law the priests were to carry the ashes from the altar away carefully to a clean place for disposal (Lev. 1:16; 4:12; 6:10-11). The pouring out of them there, along with the destruction of this altar, symbolized God's rejection of this sacrificial system. Jeroboam stretched out his hand in a gesture of authority (v. 4). By incapacitating his hand, a symbol of power, God showed He had greater authority than the king and was sovereign over him (v. 4).

We can see that Jeroboam had no regard for Yahweh when he called the Lord the prophet's God rather than his own God (v. 6). By offering the prophet a reward, Jeroboam was seeking to compromise him. If the prophet had accepted the reward, there would have been a question in the minds of onlookers concerning whether he was really in Yahweh's service or in Jeroboam's (v. 7). The young man wisely declined even to eat with the king, which in that culture implied mutual affection and protection (v. 8).

The old prophet living in Bethel was a compromiser, as verses 11-32 make clear. If he had been faithful to Yahweh, he probably would have left Bethel and Israel when Jeroboam brought his nation under a humanly devised system of worship. Many of the faithful in Israel did this (v. 11; cf. 2 Chron. 11:13-17). He, too, tried to turn the young prophet away from what God had told him to do (v. 15). He lied about God's revelation to him (v. 18). Like Jeroboam (12:28), the young man listened to bad counsel rather than obeying a direct word from the Lord.

However the old prophet did receive some revelations from God (v. 20). He predicted that because he had not been completely faithful to God the young prophet would have a dishonorable burial (v. 22). A person's burial made a statement about whether his life was honorable or not in the ancient Near East. Since the lion did not eat the prophet or maul his donkey it was clear that this was an unusual slaying. God had sent the lion to judge the young prophet (v. 24).

"Lions were attested in Palestine until at least the thirteenth century AD."144

If God had not judged His own prophet for his disobedience, there might have been some doubt about whether God would judge Jeroboam for his.

In spite of his own unfaithfulness, the old prophet admired his young friend and gave him as honorable a burial as was possible (v. 30).

"Whatever his motives, and it is impossible to know them for sure, the old man is a mixture of curiosity, dishonesty, accuracy, and conviction."145

This incident illustrates the importance of complete obedience to God's Word. God used it to impress this truth on Jeroboam, the Israelites, and all who heard about it, as well as us.

"From beginning to end, the story dwells on a single theme--the fulfillment of the word of the Lord in its due time, having transcended the weakness of its bearer and converted its violators into its confirmants."146

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