Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Proverbs >  Exposition >  I. DISCOURSES ON WISDOM chs. 1--9 >  B. Instruction for Young People 1:8-7:27 > 
7. Further warnings against adultery 6:20-7:27 
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This extended warning against one of life's most destructive practices is classic.

 The guilt of adultery 6:20-35
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Verses 20-23 indicate the start of a new section and stress again the importance of the precepts that follow. Solomon regarded the instruction he was giving as an expression of God's law (cf. v. 23; Ps. 109:105).

The immoral act begins with the lustful look (v. 25). That is the place to weed out the temptation, when it is still small.

"Playing with temptation is only the heart reaching out after sin."79

In verses 27-29 we have a series of physical analogies designed to illustrate spiritual cause and effect. Adultery brings inescapable punishment. One may contain the fire (v. 27) at first, but others will discover it if it continues to burn. "His clothes"(v. 27) may imply outward reputation, namely, what others see, as often in Scripture. "Touches her"is probably a euphemism for sexual intimacy (cf. Gen. 20:6; 1 Cor. 7:1).

"But sex is a normal desire, given to us by God,' some people argue. Therefore, we have every right to use it, even if we're not married. It's like eating: If you're hungry, God gave you food to eat; if you're lonely, God gave you sex to enjoy.' Some of the people in the Corinthian church used this argument to defend their sinful ways: Foods for the stomach and the stomach for foods' (1 Cor. 6:13, NKJV). But Paul made it clear that the believer's body belonged to God and that the presence of a desire wasn't the same as the privilege to satisfy that desire (vv. 12-20)."80

Verses 30-35 draw another kind of comparison. Adultery is a practice everyone looks down on because it is never necessary. It is always the product of lack of self-control. It is this lack of self-restraint that seems to be the reason an unfaithful husband should not be a church elder (1 Tim. 5:6).

"The picture of the adulterer as social outcast may seem greatly overdrawn. If so, the adjustment that must be made is to say that in any healthysociety such an act is social suicide."81

 The lure of adultery ch. 7
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This chapter dramatizes the arguments Solomon advanced in the previous section (6:20-35).

The prologue (vv. 1-5) again urges the adoption of this advice, not just the reception of it. The apple (pupil) of the eye (v. 2) is its most sensitive part (cf. Deut. 32:10).

Verses 6-9 describe the victim of temptation as one who has not adopted Solomon's council. He or she is "naive"(v. 7), foolish innocently or deliberately.

Verses 10-12 picture the huntress on the prowl for sensual gratification preying on anyone foolish enough to encourage her.

"Woe to the marriage whose partners cannot find values in their home and must constantly seek outside stimulation!"82

Verses 13-21 show her tactics: sensual assault (v. 13), justification of her intent (v. 14), flattery (v. 15), visualization of delight (vv. 16-17), proposition (v. 18), and reassurance of safety (vv. 19-20). We should probably favor the marginal reading of verse 14: "Sacrifices of peace offerings are with me."The idea is that she had made a peace offering and had some of the food that was her portion of the offering at her house where she needed to eat it. Some peace offerings followed the end of a vow (votive offerings). This seems to have been the case here. This woman appears to be indulging herself after a period of self-sacrifice, as some people who fast during Lent do at the end of that season. It is quite clear that this woman knew exactly what she wanted.

Verses 22-23 portray the kill. Evidently the youth hesitated but then "suddenly"(v. 22) yielded. Sin leads to death (cf. James 1:15) so Solomon looked at the result of the youth's action, not its immediate effect.

In the epilogue to this story (vv. 24-27) Solomon advised a three-fold defense against this temptation. First, guard your heart (v. 25a). We are in danger when we begin to desire and long for an adulterous affair. Fantasizing such an affair is one symptom that we are in this danger. Second, guard your body (v. 25b). Do not go near or stay near someone who may want an adulterous affair. Third, guard your future (vv. 26-27). Remember the consequences of having an adulterous affair before you get involved.

"A man's life is not destroyed in one instant; it is taken from him gradually as he enters into a course of life that will leave him as another victim of the wages of sin."83

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