I. Experiences of the older generation in the wilderness chs. 1-25
A. Preparations for entering the Promised Land from the south chs. 1-10
1. The first census and the organization of the people chs. 1-4
2. Commands and rituals to observe in preparation for entering the land chs. 5-9
3. The departure from Sinai ch. 10
B. The rebellion and judgment of the unbelieving generation chs. 11-25
1. The cycle of rebellion, atonement, and death chs. 11-20
2. The climax of rebellion, hope, and the end of dying chs. 21-25
II. Prospects of the younger generation in the land chs. 26-36
A. Preparations for entering the Promised Land from the east chs. 26-32
1. The second census ch. 26
2. Provisions and commands to observe in preparation for entering the land chs. 27-30
3. Reprisal against Midian and the settlement of the Transjordanian tribes chs. 31-32
B. Warning and encouragement of the younger generation chs. 33-36
1. Review of the journey from Egypt 33:1-49
2. Anticipation of the Promised Land 33:50-36:13