Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Galatians >  Exposition >  IV. PRACTICAL APPLICATION TO CHRISTIAN LIVING 5:1--6:10 >  A. Balance in the Christian life ch. 5 >  3. Living by the Holy Spirit 5:16-26 > 
The provision for victory 5:24-26 
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5:24 The Christian has crucified the flesh in the sense that when he or she trusted Christ God broke the domination of his or her sinful nature. While we still have a sinful human nature, it does not control us as it did before we trusted in Christ (cf. Rom. 6:6-7). Paul said we, not God, have crucified it. We did this when we trusted in Jesus Christ as our Savior (cf. 2:20). Therefore it is inconsistent for us to return to the flesh. "Passions"(Gr. pathemata, cf. Rom. 7:5) are the outward expression of inner "desires"(Gr. epithymiai, cf. v. 16). In another sense we need to continually crucify the flesh by choosing to yield to the Spirit (vv. 16, 18, 25; Rom. 8:13; Col. 3:5).

5:25 Now since (or "if,"another first class condition in Greek that here states a condition true to reality) God has given us new life, we should do something. We should walk ("keep in step,"NIV, as soldiers do when they march) daily by (with) the Spirit (i.e., in dependence on Him). He is God's provision for us to live victoriously. The Holy Spirit leads every Christian, but not all choose to walk by the Spirit (i.e., follow His leading).199

"Stated simply, the flesh is the individual behaving independently of the Spirit."200

Living by the Spirit is similar to walking by the Spirit. The former term looks at the Spirit as the source and sustaining power of the believer's spiritual life whereas the latter one views Him as the regulative principle in his or her conduct.201

5:26 This last verse seems to be an application of this principle to the specific Galatian situation.

"This is a very instructive verse because it shows that our conduct to others is determined by our opinion of ourselves."202

"To be conceited' is to boast of things that are insignificant and lacking in true worth, whether the boaster actually has them or only imagines that he has them or desires to have them."203

Liberty lies between legalism and license. That balance is central in chapter 5. The key to being fruitful as a Christian is being submissive to the Holy Spirit, following His leading, walking in dependence on Him (cf. John 15:4-5).

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