Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Philippians >  Exposition >  III. Partnership in the gospel 1:27--4:9 >  B. Unity and steadfastness 2:1-4:1 >  2. Walking in steadfastness 3:1-4:1 > 
The forward look 3:20-21 
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3:20 The reason we should follow Paul's example and not that of these sensualists is that as Christians we have a citizenship in heaven as well as one on earth. Our heavenly citizenship and destiny are far more important than our brief earthly sojourn (cf. Gal. 4:26; Heb. 11:10). The Roman citizenship the Philippians enjoyed meant a great deal to them (Acts 16:12, 21). All believers need to learn to live as foreigners and pilgrims on this earth (Heb. 11:13; 1 Pet. 2:11).139

"Jews expect perfection now by keeping the Law; Christians yearn for the future at which time perfection will be achieved."140

The Greek word apekdechometha, translated "look for,"is a strong compound.

"The compound emphasizes the intense yearning for the Parousia . . ."141

"The expectation of the Lord's personal and imminent return gave joy and power to the early Christians and to the Christian communities."142

Furthermore it is from our heavenly kingdom that a Savior will come to deliver us out of this present evil world and take us to our home with Him above (John 14:1-2). The prospect of our Lord's return should motivate us to live as citizens of heaven even while we are still on earth (1 John 3:2-3).

". . . Paul prefers justification' to describe what has already been done in the Christian by God's action in Christ, while he reserves salvation' for what yet remains to be done (Beare; cf. Rom 5:9-10)."143

3:21 When Christ returns for us at the Rapture He will transform our present mortal bodies into immortal bodies such as our Lord's resurrected body. The comparison between these two bodies is striking. One is lowly, weak, and susceptible to all kinds of evil influences. The idea that it is sinful, which the AV implies by using the word "vile,"is absent in the Greek word (tapeinoseos). The other new body will be glorious, more expressive of our true state as the children of God, and incorruptible. This transformation will occur whether we are alive or dead when the Lord returns (1 Cor. 15:51-54; 1 Thess. 5:9-10).

This amazing change will transpire because of the same divine power by which God will eventually subject everything in the universe to Himself.

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