Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Colossians >  Exposition >  II. EXPLANATION OF THE PERSON AND WORK OF CHRIST 1:15-29 >  B. The reconciling work of Christ 1:21-29 >  2. As ministered by Paul 1:24-29 > 
Paul's power 1:29 
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Paul had to expend physical, mental, and spiritual energy toiling to this end. Sometimes he had to strive and contend with adversaries in the world as well as with his own flesh and the devil. Nevertheless the supernatural power of the indwelling Christ energized him.

"The root [of the Greek word translated "works,"energoumenen] generally refers to supernatural power, whether God's or Satan's."93

"The entire statement shows that through faith in Christ we can link our life with a source of strength that enables us to rise above our natural limitations."94

Paul's view of his ministry was certainly a high one. He would have despaired had he not learned the sufficiency of God's grace in his life (2 Cor. 12:9).

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