Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Titus >  Exposition >  II. INSTRUCTIONS FOR SETTING THE CHURCH IN ORDER 1:5--3:11 >  C. The conduct of the saints 2:1-3:11 >  1. The behavior of various groups in the church 2:1-15 > 
Concluding charge 2:15 
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This last verse concludes the section of instructions to various groups in the church (ch. 2). Paul urged Titus to teach, exhort, and reprove, in accord with what the apostle had just revealed, with full authority since it was divine revelation. He should let no one intimidate him because the truth was at stake.

"The minister's authority rests in the nature of his message; he is not raised above the truth but the truth above him."67

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