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Symbols Used in the Book of Revelation That the Book Itself Interprets

1. The seven lampstands (1:12) are seven churches (1:20).

2. The seven stars (1:16) are seven angels or messengers (1:20).

3. The morning star (2:28; 22:16), the male child (12:5), and the root and offspring of David (22:16) are Jesus Christ (19:15; 22:16).

4. The Lamb (17:14) is Lord of lords and King of kings (17:14) and Jerusalem's lamp (21:23).

5. The white horse rider (19:11) is Faithful and True (19:11), the Word of God (19:13), and King of kings and Lord of lords (19:16).

6. The city of my God (3:12), the Lamb's bride (19:7; 21:9), and the holy city (21:10) are the New Jerusalem (3:12; 21:10; cf. 21:2).

7. The seven lamps of fire (4:5) and the seven eyes (5:6) are the seven spirits of God (4:5; 5:6).

8. The incense in the golden bowls (5:8) is the prayers of the saints (5:8).

9. The fallen star (9:1) is the angel or messenger of the abyss (9:11).

10. The great city (11:8), Sodom (11:8), and Egypt (11:8) are Jerusalem (11:8).

11. The stars of heaven (12:4) are the angels or messengers of Satan (12:9).

12. The great dragon (12:9), the old serpent (12:9), and the devil (12:9) are Satan (12:9).

13. Time, times, and half a time (12:14) are 1260 days (12:6).

14. The beast out of the earth (13:11) is the false prophet (19:20).

15. The waters (17:1) are peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues (17:15).

16. The woman (17:3) is Babylon the great (17:5), the great city (18:10) that reigns over the kings of the earth (17:18).

17. The seven heads (17:9) are seven mountains (17:9) which are seven kings (17:10).

18. The beast (17:11) is the eighth king (17:11).

19. The ten horns (17:12) are ten kings (17:12).

20. The fine linen (19:8) is the righteous acts of the saints (19:8).

21. The faithful souls come to life (20:4) is the first resurrection (20:5).

22. The lake of fire (20:14) is the second death (20:14).

23. The Lord God, the Almighty, and the Lamb (21:22) are the temple in Jerusalem (21:22).

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