Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  1 Samuel >  Exposition >  III. SAMUEL AND SAUL 7:2--15:35 >  B. Kingship Given to Saul chs. 8-12 >  2. The anointing of Saul 9:1-10:16 > 
Saul's background 9:1-2 
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Saul ("Asked [of God],"cf. 8:10) came from good Benjamite stock. His father was a man of property and influence. The same Hebrew expression, gibbor hayil, translated "valor,"describes Boaz in Ruth 2:1 and King Jeroboam I in 1 Kings 11:28 (cf. 1 Sam. 16:18). Saul himself was physically impressive, tall, and handsome. At this time he would have been in his late 20s (cf. 13:1). God gave the people just what they wanted.

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