Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  1 Samuel >  Exposition >  IV. SAUL AND DAVID 1 Sam. 16--31 >  A. David's Rise as the New Anointed 16:1-18:5 > 
1. God's selection of David for kingship ch. 16 
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"One of the many indications that the two halves (vv. 1-13, 14-23) of chapter 16 are closely related is that each section is framed by an inclusio: Horn with/of oil' is found in vv. 1 and 13, and the phrase Spirit . . . departed from' constitutes the first words of v. 14 and the last words of v. 23 . . ."172

 David's anointing 16:1-13
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This time God's choice was not a king for the people according to their desires, but a king for Himself (v. 1) who would put Yahweh first (13:14; cf. Gal. 4:4-5). Saul would have perceived Samuel's anointing another man as king as an act of treason (v. 2). He showed more concern for his own interests than for the will of God. Evidently Samuel had gained a reputation as an executioner when he had killed Agag (v. 4; cf. 15:33).

Samuel judged Jesse's sons by their external qualities just as the Israelites judged Saul acceptable because of those characteristics (v. 6). Verse 7 clarifies how God evaluates people, namely, on the basis of their hearts (affections), not their appearance or abilities (cf. Matt. 3:17; Mark 10:31; 1 Cor. 1:27). As He had done earlier in Scriptural history, God chose the son that was not the natural choice showing that He does not bind Himself to what is traditional. It is unusual that Jesse did not have David present for Samuel's inspection since he too was one of his sons. This may suggest that Jesse did not think as highly of David as he did of his other sons (cf. Ps. 27:10, where David wrote of his parents forsaking him). Was David a neglected or even an abused child that his father viewed more as hired help than as a son?

"It's remarkable, isn't it, how Jesse reveals two very common mistakes parents make. Number one, he didn't have an equal appreciation for all of his children. And number two, he failed to cultivate a mutual self-respect among them. Jesse saw his youngest as nothing more than the one who tended the sheep."173

"The shepherd/flock image is a kind of Leitmotiffor David from this point on. . . . The book's last story shows David deeply concerned for the flock [2 Sam. 24:17]."174

David (probably meaning "beloved of the Lord") was physically attractive (v. 12; cf. Isa. 53:2). Nevertheless God did not choose him for that reason but because of God's sovereign election and because of David's heart attitude.175

"What does it mean to be a person after God's own heart? Seems to me, it means that you are a person whose life is in harmony with the Lord. What is important to Him is important to you. What burdens Him burdens you. When He says, God to the right,' you go to the right. When He says, Stop that in your life,' you stop it. When He says, This is wrong and I want you to change,' you come to terms with it because you have a heart for God."176

David and his family were the first after Samuel to learn that he would be the next king. In time all Israel would learn this as David became the instrument through whom God blessed the nation. He became successful because God's Spirit came on David, remained with him from then on, and empowered him for service (cf. Matt. 3:16-17).177

Verse 13 records Samuel's departure for his home in Ramah. At this point in the book he becomes a minor figure who no longer plays an active role in the progress of events. His anointing of David, therefore, was the climax and capstone of his career.

 David's introduction to the royal court 16:14-23
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"In addition to being the middle chapter of 1 Samuel, chapter 16 is pivotal in another way as well: Its first half (vv. 1-13), ending with a statement concerning David's reception of the Spirit of God, describes David's anointing as ruler of Israel to replace Saul; its second half (vv. 14-23), beginning with a statement concerning Saul's loss of the Spirit and its replacement with an evil spirit' sent by God, describes David's arrival in the court of Saul. Thus the juxtaposition of vv. 13 and 14 delineates not only the transfer of the divine blessing and empowerment from Saul to David but also the beginning of the effective displacement of Saul by David as king of Israel. The transition at vv. 13-14 can thus be arguably defined as the literary, historical, and theological crux of 1 Samuel as a whole."178

Verse 14 describes God's relationship to Saul following the Lord's rejection of him. Yahweh had less and less contact with His faithless representative. His empowering Spirit left him without the divine enablement that he had once enjoyed (cf. Judg. 9:23; 16:20; 1 Kings 22:21-23; Ps. 51:11).

"When YHWH's Spirit came upon David his anointer [Samuel] left, leaving him in good hands. When YHWH's Spirit left Saul an evil spirit came upon him, leaving him in dire straits."179

The evil spirit that Yahweh permitted to trouble Saul has been the subject of considerable interest among Bible students. It may have been a spirit of discontent (cf. Judg. 9:23), a demon who afflicted him periodically (cf. 1 Kings 22:20-23), or a demon who indwelt him from then on.180In any case it was a discipline for departing from God. When people depart from God, their troubles really begin.

"Saul's evil bent was by the permission and plan of God. We must realize that in the last analysis all penal consequences come from God, as the Author of the moral law and the one who always does what is right."181

The writer mentioned Saul's fits of terror to explain, in addition to his deteriorating mental state, why Saul called for a musician and how David gained access to the royal court. It is tempting to suggest that Saul's mental problems may have resulted from his spiritual rebellion, which is common, but the text does not state that connection outright. Apparently some people already regarded David as a mighty man of valor and a warrior (v. 18) because he had single-handedly defeated lions and bears (17:34-35). Most important, the Lord was with David.182The fact that Jesse could provide a donkey suggests that he was fairly prosperous since this is how the more wealthy classes travelled in Israel (v. 20). Yet David's family was not outstanding in Israel (cf. 18:18).

Initially Saul loved David greatly, as Jonathan did (cf. 18:1, 3; 20:17). However, Saul's attitude would change. The king appointed an armorbearer to that position because of his courage, his ability to handle weapons, and his ability to get along with the king. David was probably a teenager at this time since he was 30 when he began to reign (2 Sam. 5:4). He was not Saul's bodyguard. He just helped the king handle his armor. Whatever kind of spirit afflicted Saul, David's sweet music reduced its ill effects. Saul was becoming dependent on the one who would replace him.

God was elevating David from the ranks of a shepherd of sheep (v. 11) to become the shepherd of His people, and David's musical ability (v. 18) enabled him to lead the Israelites in the worship of Yahweh later.

"This story of how David first met Saul and how he came to the royal court makes two points. The first is that David did not engineer it. David was no ruthlessly ambitions man, determined to rise up the social ladder--any more than Saul himself had been (cp. chapter 9). David's hands were clean. The second point is that God overruled to bring David to court, through the sheer chance (as it seemed) that one of Saul's courtiers knew something about him and brought him to Saul's attention [cf. Joseph]. So it was God, not David, who was responsible for the young man's first steps towards the throne."183

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