Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  1 Kings >  Exposition >  I. THE REIGN OF SOLOMON chs. 1--11 >  C. Solomon's Greatest Contribution chs. 5-8 > 
4. The temple furnishings 7:13-51 
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The people also saw the glory of Yahweh reflected in the furnishings of the temple. These furnishings came from several sources but all contributed to the proper worship of Yahweh.

 Furnishings outside the temple 7:13-47
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This Hiram was obviously a different person from the King of Tyre (5:1). God evidently guided him as he fashioned the furnishings (cf. Exod. 31:1-11).80

The two pillars on the temple porch were common features that flanked the main entrances to temples in Syria, Phoenicia, Cyprus, Assyria, and elsewhere in the ancient Near East at this time.81Some of these pillars supported the porch roof, but others were free-standing, as these probably were.82In various countries they symbolized various things.83In Israel their purpose seems to have been to remind the Israelites of Yahweh's establishment of Israel and strength for Israel. Jachin means "He shall establish,"and Boaz "In Him is strength"(v. 21).84The lily and pomegranate designs probably symbolized the fertility and fruitfulness of God's blessing and presence.

The "sea"(vv. 23-26) was a reservoir for the temple courtyard. It had a total capacity of 17,500 gallons (2 Chron. 4:5), but it normally held 11,500 gallons (v. 26). It rested on symbols of strength and service (cf. the priests), and symbols of fertility adorned it (v. 24; cf. 6:18).85The 12 bulls may have represented the 12 tribes or Solomon's 12 administrative districts.86

The priests evidently used the 10 movable stands (vv. 27-40a) when they butchered sacrificial animals. Each was six feet square, five and one-half feet high, and held up to 230 gallons of water.

The amount of detail the writer included gives us some appreciation of the external beauty, symmetry, glory, and value of the temple. All of this contributed to the greater glory of Yahweh and helped the Israelites appreciate Him.

 Furnishings inside the temple 7:48-50
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As in the Mosaic tabernacle, the metals used expressed the glory of God also. The closer to the ark, the throne of Yahweh, the more valuable was the metal. Everything inside the temple was gold or gold plated. Outside the temple there was bronze. While the average Israelite did not see the inside of the temple, he or she would have known of its glory. Perhaps this section (vv. 48-50) is shorter than the former one (vv. 13-47) because the majority of the people, who were not priests, did not see these furnishings.

"The candelabra were arranged down the length of the main sanctuary to give light on these tables (ex. 25:31-40)."87

 David's accessories 7:51
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The priests probably placed the treasures David had collected in the rooms of the structure that surrounded the temple (6:5-6) for use in Israel's worship as needed. The temple, then, became the treasury (bank) of Israel in that it housed the nation's greatest treasures.

The writer gave us extensive information about the temple furnishings to increase our awe not only of the temple itself but also of Yahweh's greatness. The temple and all it contained reflected the God who abode there.

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