Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  2 Kings >  Exposition >  Continued from notes on 1 Kings  >  C. The Second Period of Antagonism 9:30-17:41 > 
6. Amaziah's good reign in Judah 14:1-22 
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Amaziah reigned over Judah for 29 years (796-767 B.C.). He began reigning when Jehoash was king over Israel and died during the reign of Jehoash's son and successor Jeroboam II. The prophet Joel probably ministered in Judah during his reign.87

 Amaziah's policies 14:1-6
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Amaziah's only act of goodness that the writer of Kings included was his obedience to the Mosaic Law in the matter of not executing children for their fathers' crimes (Deut. 24:16). Kings of other ancient Near Eastern countries commonly practiced such executions. Amaziah instead trusted God to control the potential rebels.

 Amaziah's wars 14:7-14
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God blessed Amaziah by allowing him to subdue the Edomites who had revolted from Judean control during the reign of Judah's king Jehoram (cf. 2 Chron. 25:5-16). The Valley of Salt lay south of the Salt (Dead) Sea in the Arabah. Sela was the capital of Edom at this time.

Amaziah's heart became proud because of this victory. He concluded that his superior power had gained it rather than God's might. This led him to challenge Israel in battle. King Jehoash's parable (vv. 9-10) hurt Amaziah's pride (cf. Jotham's fable, Judg. 9:8-15). Instead of backing down he insisted on a confrontation. God permitted this situation to punish Amaziah because after subduing the Edomites he had brought some of their idols into Jerusalem and worshipped them (2 Chron. 25:14, 20). The army of Israel took Amaziah prisoner (vv. 13-14). It was probably then that Amaziah's son Azariah began to reign in Jerusalem as his father's coregent (790 B.C.).88Azariah continued as coregent until his father died (in 767 B.C.).

 Jehoash's death 14:15-16
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The writer seems to have included this second mention of Jehoash of Israel's death here (cf. 13:12-13) because of the unusual situation that existed after the Israelites took Amaziah prisoner. When Jehoash died in 782 B.C., they released Amaziah who returned to Judah.

 Amaziah's death 14:17-22
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The text does not identify Amaziah's conspirators, but they were evidently Judahites who wanted to restore pure worship to their nation (2 Chron. 25:27). Lachish was a former royal city on Judah's western border. The king received an honorable burial. Elath was an Edomite port-city on the Gulf of Aqabah that Azariah restored after his father's death. Perhaps Amaziah's defeat of the Edomites made this event possible.

Amaziah's life is an example of how one who follows God's Word and consequently experiences His blessing can become proud when he or she forgets that his or her blessings come from God's grace.

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