Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  2 Chronicles >  Exposition >  IV. THE REIGNS OF SOLOMON'S SUCCESSORS chs. 10--36 >  C. Asa 14:2-16:14 > 
1. Asa's wisdom ch. 14 
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Asa inherited a kingdom at peace. He wisely used the peace to purge the idolatry that had crept into Judah (vv. 3-5). He also fortified his defenses against future attacks from the North. Because of his trust in Yahweh, God gave him deliverance from his attackers (vv. 9-15).

"They [the Cushites, v. 9] have been identified with Ethiopians (cf. 16:8). This is rejected by recent commentators. The reference in 14:15 to a Bedouin group with sheep, goats, and camels that Asa drove off has led several recent writers to suggest that Cush may have been an ethnic group living in the vicinity of Judah (cf. Hab 3:7)."35

In all these events Asa followed the good examples of David and Solomon.

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