Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  2 Chronicles >  Exposition >  IV. THE REIGNS OF SOLOMON'S SUCCESSORS chs. 10--36 >  Q. The Last Four Kings 36:1-21 > 
2. Jehoiakim 36:5-8 
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Not only did the Babylonians take Jehoiakim captive to Babylon, but they also took some of the glory of the temple and of the God it represented with him.

"Taking temple objects was common in times such as this, as it represented the complete military and religious conquest of a city (cf. Dan 1:1-2; Ezra 1:7)."102

Jehoiakim's wickedness did nothing to retard the inevitable conquest of Jerusalem. Judah's captivity was one step closer as Babylon replaced Egypt as the controller of God's people.

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