Resource > Expository Notes on the Bible (Constable) >  Ezra >  Exposition >  II. THE SECOND RETURN UNDER EZRA chs. 7--10 >  A. The Return to Jerusalem CHS. 7-8 >  1. The decree of Artaxerxes and its consequences ch. 7 > 
Ezra's thanksgiving 7:27-28 
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Ezra recognized and acknowledged that God had moved Artaxerxes to do what he had done (cf. Prov. 21:1). "Lovingkindness"(v. 28) is more precisely "loyal love"(Heb. hesed). This Hebrew word has connections to the word translated "stork,"a bird known for its affectionate devotion to its young. Yahweh was proving faithful to His promises to care for His chosen people. Again Ezra acknowledged God's enabling grace in his life (v. 28).

"What makes the Jews' restoration so remarkable is not simply that they should return, but that kings should supply their needs in relation to worship (cf. 7:27). It is this that makes the new exodus' so evidently an act of God's salvation."116

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